travelgrove the Travel Enthusiast

  • Top 5 Recession-Proof Travel Destinations

    When in Rome, do as the Romans do, states an old saying referring to the essential quality of a traveler to adapt both his tastes and habits to the local customs. Paraphrasing this saying and given we live in a period marked by an economical crisis, any traveler should seek for cost-effective travel destinations. After all, desperate times need desperate measures, right? And reportedly, that’s the principle guiding many hotel managers and airline companies which have recently resorted to rock-bottom prices in order to magnet tourists everywhere. Therefore, provided you’re a precautious traveler longing for a budget-friendly trip, here’s our top 5 recession-proof destinations that are surely to meet your interest.

  • Top 5 European Summer Festivals

    If you weight your options well, visiting a city in the period it hosts a festival is probably the best way to enjoy a merry atmosphere, to rejoice the traditions and to sense the local spirit. After all, travelling is all about getting to know new places and people and finding the relaxation you’ve long waiting for. And what better alternative than a fun-filled holiday brightened by dances and songs performed alongside the friendly locals?

    When it comes to festivals, regardless of the type, no other continent can compete with Europe since it houses hundreds of different colorful such events, holidays and celebrations all year round. Therefore, let us countdown the most important festivals to be celebrated in Europe during this summer and which usually magnet tons of tourists coming from all the corners of the world…Just in case you intend to join the party-lovers.

  • Top 5 Most Uncommon Museums in the World

    Museums preserve the worth-seeing objects representative for one field of activity or another and destined for the future generations to imagine the prior civilizations and their values. There are millions of museums scattered all over the world’s map that house history-soaked items or represent the national identity of a particular people. The art endeavourers or the tourists that burn with curiosity to know everything about a certain civilization or topic usually include in their itinerary at least a specific museum.

    Nevertheless, since the human ingenuity is boundless, lengthways time all sorts of museums featuring uncommon and sometimes mystic, strange objects or themes have appeared. Now, provided we managed to pique your curiosity, we present you the top 5 most uncommon museums on the globe.

  • Romania: Travel Planner



    It goes without saying Romania took hold of a special place as a tourist destination on the map of Europe. Captious people need only pay a visit to the medieval cities in Transylvania, to the buzzing capital city of Bucharest, also known as the Little Paris, gaze at the unique monasteries in Moldavia and catch the sun beams on the sandy beaches located near the Black Sea, to be certain about that. After a trip to the Danube Delta, crowded with unique fauna and flora, every tourist will sink his teeth into the Romanian destinations. In addition, there’s this famous legend about the vampire Dracula who presumably lived in the Bran Castle many centuries ago, which acts like a magnet for tourists longing for adventure. Not to mention the tasty Romanian food like forcemeat rolls of cabbage adorned with corn mush or the pickled cucumbers with steak and following compotes and marmalades for dessert.

  • May Monthly Contest Winner

    So, we’re in our second month of our contest and things are looking up, you guys have really turned the Travelgrove community into a nicer place. Some of the greatest contributors include Diana, Erato (also known in some circles as the Hedgehog catcher), Bicksa and Ultimatetravel, which was ultimately the one to lift the trophy. Well ok, there wasn’t much to lift, but that’s the idea with the iPod Nano, it’s sleek and small and cute and useful.

  • Hedgehogs > Kittens

    Controversial title, I know. I bet the league of kitty lovers is already prepping files to sue me, but come on, take a look at what Erato from our community found:

    Cute Hedgehog Pictures Beyond This Link

    Whoever points out a cuter kitty than that spiky little guy gets a free 1,500 miles of travel from Travelgrove, airport expenses paid, all airlines included.*

    *just kidding :)

  • Hungary: Travel Planner

    One of Budapest's many baths

    One of Budapest’s many baths

    Regardless of the destination, every journey has its charms. When it comes to Hungary, the traveler is about to discover an unrivalled culture, situated at the crossroads of Eastern and Western Europe which boast of history-soaked monuments, a buzzing capital city divided in two parts by the Danube, matchless puszta (Hungarian plains) dotted with rare species of plants and the mouth-watering, yet spicy goulash. And the list filled with surprises doesn’t stop here. A trip to Hungary can impress even the most pretentious, cold-hearted travelers with the country’s natural scenery braided with impressive architecture and glossy shops. If you were to visit this kidney-shaped land, there are some places you cannot miss out in order to capture the Hungarian spirit, their lifestyle and the culture they built.

  • Best Summer Cocktails

    Our friends from Lifecruiser and Travel Experta invited us to have a virtual cocktail party in their “Drinks ‘Round the World Meme” event and well, we’re not ones to pass a drink 😉 Our entry won’t be quite like the others probably, as it’s not suitable for a serious corporate blog (ahem) like Travelgrove’s to share stories of how we got drunk on our holidays. Still, we decided to try writing an article about some of the hottest cocktails around and give you a short glimpse in the history of cocktails. Enjoy, fellow travellers.

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