travelgrove the Travel Enthusiast

  • Melia Nassau Beach vacation package deal from $749

    Beach view of Melia Nassau Beach

    Beach view of Melia Nassau Beach resort

    Most people, understandably, long for a beach vacation in the summer, to relax, have fun and possibly do it in some exotic, Caribbean country. If you are one of them, you will like this Melia Nassau Beach vacation package deal with a discounted price starting from $749 per person, only half the price of the same package if air and hotel were booked for high season separately.

    Choose this deal and you will get everything you need in one place, airfare, hotel and all sorts of services, as Melia Nassau Beach is an all-inclusive resort. If you like this package and did not find a better one out there, you better get it before it is too late. Such offers sell out pretty fast usually! 

    Top vacation Deals on this week
    Category Travel Deal Price*
    Vacation Offer Bahamas
    Bahamas: 3-Nt. All-Incl. Spring Escape w/Air

    The vacation package deal we have found for you includes many things. First, you will get a flight from Fort Lauderdale to Nassau and back, but you can also choose to fly from another city, only the price of the holiday will probably be higher.

    Than you will also get three nights stay at Melia Nassau Beach, an all inclusive resort with lots of amenities. Note that the package price also includes taxes and fees. Melia Nassau Beach offers all meals in several restaurants, all drinks at the bars, many of activities for children and also for adults for day and night.

    Search for more Bahamas vacation package deals to compare them to our one here. You might also be looking for getaways to other islands, just make sure you choose your check in and check out dates, departure and travel sites you want to check. Good luck for the deal hunt!

    Category: Product #: Regular price:$ (Sale ends ) Available from: Condition: Good ! Order now!

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