the Travel Enthusiast
- 11 Aprlizzy_a in Travel Planning | NO COMMENTS
A traveler’s guide to Nauru
Nauru is yet another speck of land in the vast archipelago of Micronesia, but this little island is special: it is the world’s smallest independent republic. It is so tiny that it takes about an hour to drive from one shore to the other, but that doesn’t mean that Nauru is not diverse and interesting. The island used to be very rich in the 20th century, thanks to its huge phosphate deposits, but its fortunes took a turn for the worse in 2005.
Today Nauru hasn’t got it too good, but it manages to stay afloat, and it has by no means lost the thinks that made it attractive in the past. Tourist facilities may be minimal, but the natural beauty of the island makes it well worth visiting. Here’s a traveler’s guide to Nauru, for those who want to visit the world’s smallest, and rather underrated country. …
- 13 Oct
Top 5 smallest countries in the world (and why you should visit them)
Monte Carlo, Monaco is one of the worlds well known tiny nations, It’s a top destination for bargain hunters, gamblers and luxury fans
If you live in a country that spans over several timezones and you can easily take a month long road trip from one border to the other, then it might sound strange to you that there are countries on the planet where you can actually traverse on foot in a reasonable amount of time.
Some countries are so tiny that they would count as a small town in other parts of the world! Although those who like their travel destinations vast and sprawling with lots of space to explore will find it strange, small countries are actually great for shorter (and even longer) holidays. Here are top 5 smallest countries in the world and why you should visit them. …