travelgrove the Travel Enthusiast

  • The Gold and Silver of Seville

    Seville ©Noemí Galera

    Seville ©Noemí Galera/Flickr


    The capital of Andalusia is the symbol of classic Spain. 

    Seville is the most Spanish city out of all Spanish cities. Here lie the remains of Cristopher Columbus, it was this amazing place where all the stolen Incan gold was unloaded, here Murillo painted the too joyful faces of saints, and here also lived the imagination of writers like Don Juan. Corridors have a long tradition in the Andalusian capital and this is the only place in Spain where  every Spanish person celebrates Fiesta with lot of color and vibrancy.

    The big show takes place in Semana Santa when 57 catholic priests each one of them wear gigantic saint objects, with holy scenes from the church they belong to the cathedral and back.  The marching is practiced barefooted( with chains at feet and wearing crosses)  with drummers, and the people are also disguised as Inquisitors.

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  • The Happy Periods of Cordoba


    Cordoba 1902 – Spain


    A forest of columns reminds us of the glorious past of Cordoba.

    A half a century after the occupation of Andalusia by the Moors, an educated young man entered in front of a cavalry in Cordoba in the year of 756.  He was Abd-er-Rahman I, the son of the last Calif Omeyyad of Damasc with Berber origins.  He began the ascension of one the worlds most liberal and prosperous metropolises in the old world.

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  • Granadian Pearl of Alhambra

    Alhambra ©Bert Kaufmann

    Alhambra ©Bert Kaufmann

    The Alhambra is the most visited monument from the Moorish period.

    Looking for a loot, The Berber prince Tarik Ibn Ziad, traveled across the Gibraltar along with his friends and supporters from North Africa in 711.  In 2 weeks, he conquered Andalusia, opening a path to Moors to rule almost the entire peninsula.

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  • Backpacking Europe: 5 Most Beautiful National Parks

    Traveling from city to city and exploring Europe’s intricate history and architectural marvels is, in many cases, the backpacker’s main activity.  It is quite amazing to discover all the cultures, lifestyles and to meet so many different people, but let us remember that Europe, in addition to its cultural diversity, is the beholder of priceless natural treasures.

    This is why the best way to explore Europe is to find a balance between its urban culture and superb nature. You don’t necessarily have to climb the Mont Blanc: a few short hikes are enough for you to be able to admire some of the best landscapes on Earth. And judging from a purely pragmatic perspective, we must admit that nature is much less expensive then any city. Today I present you five of the most amazing places in Europe (coincidence or not, all these areas are in fact national parks):

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  • Top 5 Spain Beaches


    Playa de las Catedrales

    The top 5 Spain beaches are just as extraordinary as they are definite must-sees for everyone who goes there. Just 3 days ago we were posting an article regarding Italy’s top beaches and giving you a few suggestions on where you can find the finest sand and most beautiful views. You might find plenty of arguments on the web according to which Greece, Italy or even France is the beholder of the best beaches in Europe, but let us not forget that the marvelous beaches is among the top 3 reasons why Spain is such a major tourist destination.

    And let us not forget that only the Canary and Balearic archipelagos alone are some of the most popular summer destination in the whole Europe. With poetic names like Costa Verde, Costa del Sol, Costa Tropical or Costa Blanca, the shores of Spain take the most surprising forms, thus forming an amazing variety of beaches. Today we will only focus on 5 of them, those that are, in our opinion, some of the most scenic in the whole country:

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