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  • Trip to London that will not Break the Bank

    London is certainly one of the most popular cities in the world and unfortunately this enduring popularity means that enjoying a trip there can often be expensive. Fortunately, there are ways of enjoying a fantastic weekend in the capital of the UK without having to spend huge amounts of cash on travel, accommodation and attractions, and this whole process starts by finding one of the many low cost flights available to bring you into the city from your chosen local airport.

    Is flying really the cheapest way to get into London? Certainly, in years past, this may not have been the case but the surge in number of low cost airlines providing a regular service to the city has meant that flying into London has become the preferred method of travelling to the city.

    This is certainly the case when you take into consideration the ever-rising costs of driving. The rising cost of petrol, increased parking charges and the new congestion charge, mean driving into London is not cheap, and it is certainly not practical given how gridlocked the city can get during busy periods.

    As such, many people are opting to take low cost flights to London to visit the city on holiday or for a short weekend city break

    Once they are in the city, travelling around also need not be unduly expensive. As we have already seen, hiring a car to drive around the city is not only impractical but also unnecessary as London boasts one of the largest and most comprehensive public transport systems in the world.

    By using the buses and particularly the tube, travelling across the city is not only cheap, but quick and effective too. Transport for London offers daily travel cards for visitors that allow them transport across the city for a fixed price.

    Accommodation can also be found that does not break the bank either. Simply look up one of the many comparison websites that offer various types of accommodation throughout the city and take advantage of the many offers and deals that these companies offer to people considering staying.

    A good idea is to try and target a less popular time for your visit, when hotel rooms are likely to be available at the cheapest rates. Even if that is not possible, by comparing hotels across the city it is possible to find suitable accommodation at an affordable price.

    So once you have sorted your London flights, your accommodation and how you are going to travel around the city, the next task is to find the attractions in the city that are not going to cost a fortune. Fortunately, London is a city that boasts a host of attractions that are cheap to enter; and many are even free to enjoy!

    One such example of a completely free attraction is to watch one of the most famous ceremonies in the British Isles, the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace. Famously, in the rhyme, Christopher Robin went down with Alice to watch this, and you can too.

    Better still, just like AA Milne’s characters, you will not have to pay a penny to enjoy the pomp and circumstance of the spectacle. Just turn up at Buckingham Palace gates at 11:00 on any day and enjoy!

    Another free attraction that has its roots in heraldic traditions is the Ceremony of the Keys, which takes place each evening at the imposing Tower of London. Tickets are required for this event, but they are free and can be booked by written application, though due to the popularity of the event it is wise to try and book your tickets at least two months beforehand.

    It is worth noting also that a great many of London’s most outstanding museums and art galleries are completely free to enter. Highlights include the wonderful curiosities on display at the home of the eccentric Sir John Soane’s Museum, the outstanding architecture and art on display at Kenwood House, including paintings by Rembrandt, Gainsborough and Turner.

    Best of all, some of the finest national institutions, such as the British Museum, the Science Museum, the Victoria & Albert Museum, the Natural History Museum, the Museum of London, the Imperial War Museum, the Maritime Museum, the National Gallery and the National Portrait Gallery are all free to enter, though some exhibitions may require tickets to view.

    Thanks to cheap flights, accommodation, transport and attractions, it is still possible to enjoy all London has to offer well under budget!

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