travelgrove the Travel Enthusiast

  • Basic tips for backpackers

    Taking a backpacking trip can be loads of fun, especially when you’re a newbie backpacker. But like all travels (and even more so than a regular trip), backpacking can be unpredictable, and it’s better to be prepared than finding yourself at loss somewhere far away from home, with only the contents of your backpack to get your out of trouble.

    Backpacking is a great alternative for those who want a bit of spice in their travel experiences, and despite the sometimes shabby accommodation, lots of physical effort and maybe a few blisters, backpacking is educational, adventurous and cheap, so here are some basic tips for backpackers to ensure that it stays like that.


    So you’ve decided to go backpacking, and maybe you even have some exciting destinations in mind. The first thing you have to think about is your backpack, which you will probably be carrying around for most of your trip.

    Therefore, when shopping for a backpack, you should choose one that is appropriate for your body size (you don’t want a backpack that’s bigger than you), and above all, comfortable (straps digging into your shoulders are instant killjoys). The best is to get a bag that you can take with you on planes and buses without having to pay extra for it, but still, you want your backpack to be big enough to contain the souvenirs that you’re surely want to bring home.


    Entire books could be written about the perfect packing recipe for a backpacking trip, but here are some basics. Don’t take any clothes that you usually wear for special occasions – even if you’ll have a night out during your trip, you can stick to regular clothes and still have fun.

    Check the weather at your destination, and pack accordingly, you don’t want to freeze and be stuck in a motel room instead of exploring! Don’t forget a small first-aid kit and some pills too (painkillers and anti-diarrhea tablets should be enough). As for toiletries, pack only basic stuff, and buy the rest at your destination.

    Plan your itinerary

    While jumping on the first plane or bus and going wherever the road takes you sounds fun and adventurous, it can land you in some uncomfortable situations. If you want to be sure that you have a place to sleep when you arrive, book accommodation before even leaving on the trip.

    You definitely don’t want to get somewhere in the middle of the night and find out that the only hostel you know of is fully booked. And just in case, let your family and friends know exactly where you’re going, better safe than sorry!

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    lori wrote on January 29, 2011:


    Great article, keep up the good work!


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