travelgrove the Travel Enthusiast

  • Top 10 best family vacation spots

    School has started a month ago, and I remember that about this time, back in my childhood, I was starting to get really sick of all the studying, and I really just wanted a vacation. Well, if you have kids, you probably know that they need a little bit of fun in order to function well, so why not devote a weekend to a family trip somewhere?

    We know how difficult it can be to choose a holiday destination where all the family can have fun, from young kids to grandparents. So to help you, we’ve compiled a list of the ten best family holiday destinations that can help you with the planning.

  • Best Thanksgiving Day destinations

    Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and while according to tradition people usually celebrate at home with their families, there’s no reason why you can’t be more innovative than that. The point of Thanksgiving is to spend it with the people you love, not to spend the evening at necessarily at home.

    You can pick a traditional place or something really nonconformist, the point is to have fun with your friends and family, and of course, gobble up loads of delicious food. Here are our top Thanksgiving Day destinations, to help you plan the perfect Thanksgiving holiday.

  • Least expensive holiday destinations



    They say that the financial crisis is over, but that doesn’t change the fact that the last couple o years have been very taxing for the pockets of most of us. According to the news, things are starting to look up now, but that doesn’t mean that we can all go on a splurge, right? But stopping yourself from spending money on leisure time is really difficult for travelers and travel-addicts, so what’s the solution for us?

    Well, better than locking yourself in your apartment for the next few years, here’s a what you can do: travel somewhere cheap! Forget about Tokyo, Moscow or London for a while, and check out this list of the cheapest holiday destinations for 2010/2011!

  • Amazing places: Kathmandu



    Long time ago, travelers who wandered into Nepal came back with the conviction that they had found the famed Shangri-La, the symbol of an earthly paradise in the Orient. The place that they visited was actually Kathmandu, the Nepalese capital, and while these travelers might have been a little romantic and naive, they were right about the beauty of this exotic city.

    Nowadays, Kathmandu is a magnet for indie travelers looking for something different, but there’s a little something in this city for everyone. It does feel like a place outside time, sometimes, but that only makes it all the more exciting.

  • Top 10 movie-inspired travel destinations

    How does one usually choose their travel destination? Well, budget and time are certainly an issue, and some people like to sit down in front of a map and just pick the unlikeliest place. Or maybe you see a documentary about a place and you decide to visit it. But let’s face it, when it comes to TV, it’s movies that we watch most of the time.

    And if you really, but really like a movie, it’s only normal to want to go visit the filming site, or to go to the place where the action takes place (even if it was filmed in a studio). So I don’t know about others, but movie inspired travel destinations sound like a pretty fun idea to me. Therefore, here’s my top 10 movie inspired travel

  • The world’s ugliest buildings

    National Library of Kosovo

    When you’re an experienced traveler, you learn to appreciate beauty and ugliness alike. After all, any place in the world has its good parts and its bad parts, and no city can be made up entirely of tastefully designed gingerbread houses. After all, that’s the beauty of cities, right? An ugly building will only highlight the beauty of another one, and a bit of diversity is always good…But let’s be real.

    Some buildings are so utterly and terribly ugly that no amount of reasoning can make you see their use, and all you can do is wonder why these monstrosities haven’t been torn down yet! So I hereby present you a list of the world’s most hideous buildings, don’t look at the pictures if you’re sensitive :P.

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