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  • Top 5 historical reenactment shows in the US

    History buffs, contrary to popular belief, don’t spend all their time bent over musty tomes and old papers. The amateur (and not s amateur) historian can find many outlets for his or her passion for the past, and one of the most exciting outlets are reenactment shows.

    Of course, reenactment shows might have started as a bit of fun for history lovers, but nowadays they are almost as good as a theater performance or a film. Professional actors dress up in period costumes and reenact various important historical events. So if you’re still annoyed at your highs chool history teacher for making you hate history, here’s your chance to see its fun side.

    1. Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia

    Colonial Williamsburg is the largest ‘living history’ museum in the US. Virginia’s colonial capital is more or less intact, and you can see the 18th century buildings where the city’s founders used to live. Many of the colonial houses are authentic, and although there are several that have been recreated, you can’t really tell the difference between them.

    There are regular reenactments by historical interpreters in the city, but in addition to the reenactment of specific events, Williamsburg often has ‘themes’. The whole colonial part is made to look like it used to at the time of the founding of the old town, occupation by British forces, or visits from Colonial leaders of the day (George Washington is a great favorite).

    2. Minnesota Renaissance Fair, Shakopee, Minnesota

    The Minnesota Rennaisance Fair is one of the largest and most popular Renaissance fairs in the US. If you want perfectly historically accurate events, this might not be the place for you, but if you are interested more in the atmosphere than the accuracy of the costumes, you’ll love it. The fair recreates the feel of a 16th century English town.

    Turkey legs and tankards of ale, spit roasted suckling pigs, ladies and knights in costume, probably some horse manure and lots of fun for everyone. There are over 700 entertainers and about 275 crafters at the festival, so you’ll most likely be busy gawking and buying things for a long time.

    3. Dixie Days, Mechanicsville, Virginia

    Civil War Reenactments can be very elaborate, especially since they focus mostly on battles. The participants carefully recreate not only the tactics used in that specific battle, but the costumes are often realistically recreated down to the last stitch.

    The Dixie Days reenactment takes place every year in Virginia, and hundreds of reenactors participate, with more flowing in every year. Although the event is quit recent (it started in 2004), Mechanicsville is a very good spot for it, seeing as the town is very rich in Civil War History.

    4. Victorian Day in Historic Grand Ledge, Gran Ledge, Michigan

    This Victorian themed event takes place every year, on the first weekend of May. It features non-motorized parades, ‘visits’ from Queen Victoria, teas for children and high teas with costumes for adults, maypole dancing, a Victorian Funeral Symposium, kite-flying, crafts and artisans, and Civil War demonstrations.

    5. Indiana Territory Festival, Corydon, Indiana

    The Indiana Territory Festival focuses on the early history of Indiana, and features reenactments from the regency period from 1798 to about 1825. The most important event reenactment of the festival is the signing of Indiana’s First State Constitution in 1816, but other highlights include interpretations of figures from Indiana’s history, living history camps and educational events.

    The purpose of the festival is to teach the spectators about the historical events that took place 200 years ago in a fun and historically accurate atmosphere.

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