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  • America’s Most Fabulous Historic Routes

    No matter for which part of the United States you are heading this summer, it is always a good idea to check what attractions you might find in your way. Rather than spending hours in a row in some obscure rest area along the highway, your could use that precious time to visit some less known historic building or natural curiosity. It’s very likely that a 21 century road trip won’t transform you into a men of the west; but it represents, however, a great opportunity to visit some unique attractions and refresh your knowledge of the American history.

    Following one of America’s historic routes is also a great way to make your journey children-friendly and help them learn a thing or two about their ancestors:

    Oregon Trail

    Thousands of pilgrims, adventurers, golden seekers and aspiring farmers have followed the Oregon Trail during mid 19th century. A reenactment of their voyage will take you through 6 American states: Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming, Idaho and Oregon.

    Gurnsey State Park in Wyoming is the place where visitors can still observe the trail’s ruts (the most used means of transportation back then was the wagon, so the traces of the wagons’ wheels have carved the friable limestone), which are almost a century and a half old.  At the end of this fascinating route (you should take the time to hike at least some portions of it, by the way) one can visit the End of Oregon Trail Museum, located in Oregon City.

    Lewis and Clark Trail

    It’s hard to imagine a more thrilling, enriching and aesthetically challenging route then the one following the Lewis and Clark Trail, from Washington DC to the Pacific Ocean. The trail will take you through America’s most dramatic landscapes, in a journey spiced up with Lewis and Clark monuments, legends and stories. You’ll get the chance to rediscover the fundamental myths of America and pass through Yellowstone National Park, Rushmore Mountain of The Badlands.

    US Highway 6

    Among all the routes described in this article, Route 6 is the easiest to follow, as it is still one of the United State’ s most popular highways. Also known as The Grand Army of the Republic Highway, the route crosses the territory of USA from Bishop, California to Cape Cod, Massachusetts.

    The most scenic part of the route is represented by the quaint deserts of Colorado, Utah and Nevada, where you will be able to witness a crimson sunset and visit attractions like Great Basin National Park, The Book Cliffs or Lexington Arch.

    The Trail of Tears

    The Trail of Tears was born from the tragic story of Cherokee Indians, who were forced to immigrate from Georgia in the 1830s. The Cherokees were not the only tribe to be relocated, however they are the ones who named this route starting for Georgia and ending in Oklahoma. Thousands of people perished in this painful journey – it is however a good opportunity to learn some interesting facts about the major Native American tribes and their culture.

    Pony Express Trail

    Just as the names tells you, the Pony Express trail was the 19th century’s express route. Linking Missouri with California, the trail was stretching for over 1800 miles, and served as a communication corridor between East and West. The only people following the trail were the postmen and their fast horses, capable of riding the whole distance in no less than 10 days. However, the trails had a very brief history, as the first telegraph wire linking the Atlantic and the Pacific coasts was introduced in 1861.

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    David TgAvatar
    David wrote on March 30, 2010:

    Sadly, the End of the Oregon Trail Center in Oregon City closed last Sept, 2010.

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