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  • Top 5 Recession-Proof Travel Destinations

    When in Rome, do as the Romans do, states an old saying referring to the essential quality of a traveler to adapt both his tastes and habits to the local customs. Paraphrasing this saying and given we live in a period marked by an economical crisis, any traveler should seek for cost-effective travel destinations. After all, desperate times need desperate measures, right? And reportedly, that’s the principle guiding many hotel managers and airline companies which have recently resorted to rock-bottom prices in order to magnet tourists everywhere. Therefore, provided you’re a precautious traveler longing for a budget-friendly trip, here’s our top 5 recession-proof destinations that are surely to meet your interest.


    While a couple of years ago this European country was an exclusive destination for blue-blooded people or for those owning many bank accounts, it appears that it has currently become affordable even for the average tourists. Now, taking into account a night in a three-star hotel located in the capital city of Reykjavik is worth about 60$ and that the landscape is absolutely inspiring and uniquely composed of icecaps or glaciers and dotted by amazing waterfalls, you should definitely consider Iceland as your next holiday destination.


    Provided you have been long craving for a holiday in a Canadian state, either gazing at the historical monuments in Montreal or skiing on an exclusive slope in Whistler, here’s your chance of turning your dream into reality. Since lately the prices in Canada are less salted, you should grab your suitcase and start packing your things! Plus, the airlines in this country have also announced some noticeable discounts.

    Great Britain

    There are many tourists who would spend a fortune for a tour in this spectacular country which seems to have it all: royal pump, history-soaked monuments, cosmopolitan life, outstanding landscapes…and why not face it, the most capricious weather in Europe. Now, to be honest, a trip to Great Britain is still considerably more expensive than a trip to many other southern European states, but given the pound has demonetized in comparison with its situation last year, it’s a tad cheaper this year to wander the London streets. Be prepared though! The prices might have diminished, but a spin on the London Eye remains at an approximate cost of $692. Still, you should never lose heart!


    While in the past a trip to the Land of the South was included on the list of pricey destinations, it turns out that now such a trip won’t empty your pockets anymore. How come? Well, apart from the demonetization of the Australian dollar, the airline companies have recently cut down the prices at the flights leading to this destination. More precisely, a two-way ticket from New York to the capital city of Sydney is worth round 1400$. This price is counterbalanced by a low-priced accommodation and a spectacular cosmopolitan package including various cities such as: Melbourne (reckoned for its glossy shops and elegant cafes and restaurants), Canberra (dotted by museums, monuments and historically-important buildings) and Perth (offering a nightlife that is a blast). Moreover, both a trip to the Australian Alps or at the Ningaloo Reef has become an unforgettable yet recession-proof travel destination.

    South Korea

    If you have been long penciling a trip in a country on the Asian continent, now you can get the exotic landscape in exchange of a smaller amount of money. Make South Korea your next holiday destination and you’ll pay a reasonable price for a night out in the capital city of Seoul having also the opportunity to admire an extraordinary scenery with mountain peaks piercing the capital’s sky. Do not be afraid of tasting their aromatic, mouth-watering mixture of rice, soya sauces, tofu, vegetable and meats followed by the traditional soju drink.

    All in all, even the recession is like a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it has been the cause of many companies’ collapse, thus negatively influencing the national economies, but on the other hand it determined a reduction of prices in the tourism field, providing the tourists with the priceless opportunity to discover far-away lands and civilizations.

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    joe TgAvatar
    joe wrote on December 24, 2010:

    The Iceland money depreciated that much, that it became a cheap destination for foreigners.

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