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  • Lyon, The Gastronomy Metropolis

    Lyon ©FredPO

    Lyon ©FredPO


    Lyon is the commemorated center of gastronomic arts, but also an architectural pearl.

    Truffles and mushrooms, along them chicken, pigeons and nuts, mixed with shells, pikes, accompanied by fruits and vegetables.  Saint-Antoinette square is the best square for knowing the city in a Sunday morning.  More than 1.000 people are walking through the booths, smelling or tasting the products. The Master Chefs from big restaurants or their senders are looking for fresh ingredients.

    Lyon is the capital of gastronomic arts in France. It’s no wonder that the famous Paul Bocuse created  a restaurant in a suburb of the city, la nouvelle cuisine, which was so successful that even nowadays the place is extremely profitable.  If people are used with delicate’s, his “successors” Philippe Chavent and Thierry Bonfante are ready to take his place.

    How did this city  become this well known ? It is no doubt, since the geographically it played a primordial role because the second biggest city of France benefited an urge given by merchants who scoured the silk road. Nearby the vegetable gardens from the legendary avicultural farms of Bresse and from the Villas that produces the well known red wine called Beaujolais, which plays an important role for the city.

    The Silk That Brings Wealth.

    Lyon was established by the Romans in 43 BC on the confluence of the Ron and Saone. (Romans) Short time after, it became the capital of Gaul, and also as the second biggest city from the Empire, when it was burned down by Septius Sever as reprisals, numbering 100.000 of people who lost their lives.

    The former metropolis lost its importance for more than  1.000 years, being reborn after an according the privilege to keep a fair 4 times per year. In the Late Middle Ages the city has become a textile center, inclusive knitting silk, and it was so powerful that in the Renaissance an entire neighborhood, one of the things that the locals are proud. In the 19th century, industrial revolution augmented the textile industry, also creating a new base at Lyon, chemical industry.(19th century)

    Lyon seen from above ©Carlos de Paz

    Lyon seen from above ©Carlos de Paz

    despite all these changes, afterwards the cinematography started here in this city. Lyon gradually lost its importance until the 1980’s when the increasing of tourists brought a revival.  Eventually the city has become attractive, restaurants appeared massively and UNESCO gave a hand, declaring that the 500 hectares of the old city are one of the most protected heritage sites. From that moment on, the city is shining.  More than 200 buildings are illuminated until midnight.


    Les Traboules

    Lyon constitutes a pleasant experience, especially through it’s passages which are partly covered,  perpendicularly at the streets, which connects the structures in two parts at the street. Many of streets connects the simple streets of Croix Ruisse which is a working class neighborhood. (Hundreds; sentence does not have a predicate – makes no sense)

    Lyon ©Ana Rey

    Lyon ©Ana Rey

    In the labyrinth streets little restaurants appear – les bouchons – where you can taste the lyonesse products, like pigeons filled truffles.

    In the old days, the  renowned Les Meres, the wives of silk manufacturers sold their products here. The wives were paying, in 1871, they benefited for the Notre Dame de la Fourviere, one of Lyons attractions along with the Opera, Saint Jean cathedral, the town hall and the Dieu Hotel. Some of Lyons most noted attractions are also its squares which gives a grandeur of the city: like the Place de Terreaux or Place Bellecour, and also the diversity of museums, which rivals those of Paris.

    At the end, you may also sit in a bar for a red wine, thinking about the fact like ” Lyon is beautiful with its confluence of the 3 rivers: Ron, Saone, Beaujolais”

    If you are looking for a flight to Lyon, you can find it on the site



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