travelgrove Travel Tips

Acquarel Restaurant, Saint Petersburg, Russia

  • Food travel tip
  • City center
Distance from city center: 2.8mi
lizzy_a's pictureby lizzy_a Food travel tip
added on the 23rd of September, 2010
If you don't mind spending a few bucks,do check out this delightful little Italian/Fusion restaurant located right on the waters of the Neva river. In addition to a wide range of Italian dishes (which are excellent, by the way), the restaurant also has quite a few fashionable Asian/Fusion style foods on the menu. The restaurant is mid-range, and the food is really great value for the money.

Besides the food, you can also enjoy the unique sight of the sunset over the Neva (you can actually see the Hermitage and St. Peter's and Paul's Fortress from there), and listen to some great live bands.

Prospekt Dobrolyubova, 14, St Petersburg, Russia, 197198

State Hermitage MuseumAlexander Newskij Monastery

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