travelgrove Reviews

Back home in Ravensburg, Germany

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MadSuh's pictureby MadSuh review
added on 12th of October, 2006
The Mushroom Season has finally begun! Right after we got back from Vienna, I took off the next day to find some mushrooms. I love these things. It's a nice hunt and you can have a nice walk in the local forests.

I went to my favorite spots and found close to nothing:(However, one of the days I went to the pre-Alps as we call the area just north of the Apls and we found a lot of these orange mushrooms that are very tasty. Too bad I don't know the name in English. They are called Reizger in German.

Ok... I spent a week in Germany and off I was again for another quick trip to Hungary. This time not for work but just to relax at my father's vacation home.

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Work and Holiday Travel - overview

1. Aug 3, 2006 Having great time at Rutenfest (Ravensburg)  (* 5)
2. Aug 3, 2006 My visits to Oradea (Oradea)  (* 3)
3. Aug 23, 2006 One Night in Budapest (Budapest)
4. Aug 24, 2006 Five hours of Vienna (Vienna)  (* 6)
5. Sep 7, 2006 Trip to my house at lake Balaton in Hungary (Csopak)  (* 21)
6. Sep 25, 2006 Back home in Ravensburg (Ravensburg)

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Read about Ravensburg in our travel-guide
Having great time at RutenfestWas zu wissen über Ravensburg

Recommended Ravensburg Guide

Ravensburg Travel guide

If you go to Ravensburg by car, it´s also no problem, because all the highways run by the city. For example the B 30, B 31, B 32. And even the highways A96 Lindau to Munich and A8 Ulm to Stuttgart etc. are close by and easy teo reach. Even a local airport at Friedrichshafen is only about 10 Kilometers away from the city.Local Business Ravensburg hast got many shops, where you can buy nearly everthing. It´s the place where the people from around come to to shop. Besides that, there are some well known companies situated at Ravensburg: Ravensburger AG, originating from and still having its headquarters in the city, is a well known... Read more »


Recent reviews for Ravensburg

Ravensburg - Jul 6, 2010, by asterix
Ravensburg is a little German town, actually the capital of the district of Ravensburg, Baden-Wuertenberg. A really beautiful medieval town with over 10 towers all over the town and beautiful buildings. The people there are really relaxed,... Read more »

Why come to Ravensburg? - Dec 15, 2008, by MadSuh
I live in this town... anybody who has ever been here will confirm that this is one great little place. There are only 50,000 people living here, but live is gooood. the town is small, but had not been destroyed in a long time, so that all... Read more »

Türme - Jul 24, 2009, by Victoria
In RV gibt es viele Türme und jeder hat seine eigene Geschichte.Es gibt z.B. Den Mehlsack,dan Blaserturm,die Veitsburg,der gemalte Turm,das Untertor,das Obertor,... .Also und jeden kann man besichtigen(glaub ich jedenfalls).Von der... Read more »

Über Ravensburg - Sep 2, 2006, by MadSuh
Erstes Lied Vom Barette schwankt die Feder, wiegt und biegt im Winde sich. Unser Wams aus Büffelleder ist zerfetzt von Hieb und Stich. Stich und Hieb, und ein Lieb, muß ein, ja muß ein Landsknecht haben. Unsre... Read more »

Der blaserturm - Jul 28, 2009, by Victoria
Der blaserturm Sie werden sich fragen wer oder besser gesagt was ist das nun ja es ist ein Turm in Ravensburg und von dort hat man den besten überblick über die ganze Stadt.Früher hieß er auch der Feuerwehrturm denn... Read more »


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