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Why come to Ravensburg?, Germany

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MadSuh's pictureby MadSuh review
added on 15th of December, 2008
I live in this town... anybody who has ever been here will confirm that this is one great little place. There are only 50,000 people living here, but live is gooood. the town is small, but had not been destroyed in a long time, so that all old buildings are still intact and make for a real nice inner city where you can go shopping or just walk around and grab some drinks.
the city's main attraction are its towers. there are 11 of them and I have only climed one of them :)
The city offers a beautiful inner city. It is surrounded by lots of hills, meadows, forest, lakes and creeks which make the surround area really beautiful. The town is also close to 'Bodensee', or Lake Constance, which is the largest lake (by water mass) in Europe. Also, it is located real close to Switzerland, Austria, Italy, and France making this a real central location in Europe. Whether you want to see some nice German town, or you want to enjoy the outdoors, this is a nice place to visit.

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Ravensburg Travel guide

The city lies at about 17 kilometers nort-east of the lake of conctance. It has got the "Linzgau" on it´s west and the "Altdorfer forrest" on north-east side. The river "Schussen" flows through the town area, then directly in the lake of constance. Ravensburg is neighboured by varoius villages and cities, like Weingarten, famous for its barock Basilika, one of the biggest in germany, Berg, Horgenzell, Schlier, Grünkraut und Bodnegg.Climate Ravensburg lies in a valley, opened to the lake of constance. The lake is a big storage of warmth, so the climate is moderate and in the winter its not as cols as in... Read more »


Recent reviews for Ravensburg

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Der blaserturm - Jul 28, 2009, by Victoria
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Ravensburg - Jul 6, 2010, by asterix
Ravensburg is a little German town, actually the capital of the district of Ravensburg, Baden-Wuertenberg. A really beautiful medieval town with over 10 towers all over the town and beautiful buildings. The people there are really relaxed,... Read more »

Das Obertor in Ravensburg - Jul 28, 2009, by Victoria
Das Obertor in Ravensburg war sozusagen der Eingang zu der Ravensburger Innenstadt es hatte früher auch ein Gitter das jetzt weg ist da es renoviert wurde.Leider kann man nicht hinaufsteigen.Früher war dort eine Art Zoll die alles... Read more »


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