travelgrove Reviews

Best things to see in Los Angeles, California

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MadSuh's pictureby MadSuh review
added on 20th of June, 2010

The next day was a day for sightseeing. We headed towards USC where unluckily, graduation was going on, which meant that finding parking was already hard. Finally we found parking lot and head plenty of time to walk around across campus.

So strange to see all the kids graduating after so many years, makes you feel a bit nostalgic, and makes you wanna go back just for a few weeks.

After about 2 hours on campus we headed to China Town and had breakfast, oh yeah, Dim Sum including Chicken Feet. Not something Europeans are really used to, but then when in LA, you should be doing the real thing with all the little cultural things.

After this rather strange meal we headed up to see the Hollywood sign. We were driving around first just to enjoy the scenery and looked at some of the better areas of LA. I could definitely see myself living in one of those places one day :)

Anyhow, we barely found the trail to the Hollywood sign and then, sure enough we got lost in the hills, but it was nevertheless a real nice walk. It's always nice up there, as you get a little break from the craziness of the city.

We still had enough time to visit Hollywood an see the footprints of all the movie stars at Men's Chinese Theater. Finally, we grabbed dinner at In n' out burger, a great finish for this day.


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USA 2010 - overview

1. May 12, 2010 Trip to Los Angeles (Los Angeles)
2. May 13, 2010 Getting around in Los Angeles (Los Angeles)  (* 4)
3. May 14, 2010 Best things to see in Los Angeles (Los Angeles)  (* 15)
4. May 15, 2010 What to see in Los Angeles (Los Angeles)  (* 26)
5. May 17, 2010 Visiting Las Vegas (Las Vegas)  (* 94)
6. May 21, 2010 Our Bryce Canyon trip (Bryce Canyon)  (* 96)
7. May 21, 2010 Visiting the Coral Pink and Red Sand Dunes (Kanab)  (* 16)
8. May 22, 2010 Trip to the Antelope Canyon (Page)  (* 127)
9. May 22, 2010 Our Lake Powell trip (Page)  (* 19)
10. May 23, 2010 Visiting the Grand Canyon (Grand Canyon Village)  (* 65)
11. May 24, 2010 Shopping in Barstow (Barstow)
12. May 25, 2010 Short visit in San Francisco (San Francisco)
13. May 27, 2010 What to do in San Francisco (San Francisco)
14. May 27, 2010 Roadtrip on Pacific Number 1 (Pismo Beach)

Start from beginning1 - 14          Journal overview

Read about Los Angeles in our travel-guide
Getting around in Los AngelesWhat to see in Los Angeles

Recommended Los Angeles Guide

Los Angeles Nightlife

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