travelgrove Reviews

Great football game in LA, Los Angeles, California

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MadSuh's pictureby MadSuh review
added on 30th of November, 2008

Another fun day with my friends, who took me out to a USC game. I have not been to a game in quite some time, so this was a treat. I have tried to take many pictures of the crowds because my friends in Germany probably cannot believe how important college football is over here. Especially USC has had a huge history in college football and every Alumn gets excited about it.

The entire campus is covered with people wearing cardinal and gold, the two colors representing the school. Also, note how The schools mascot, Tommy Trojan, is wrapped up in tape in order to protect him from potential attacks:)

I found it amazing how there was a 200 people line at the bookstore. The bookstore is where you can buy all sorts of USC stuff from clothes to memorabilia, and pretty much everything you can imagine. Then there was again a 200 people line at the checkout, which had like 25 cashiers to handle the crowd... only in the US!!!

Anyhow, enjoy the pics, it was a fun game and we won 38-3, just crushing Notre Dame in front of 90,689 people - Awesome.


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MadSuh's picture
MadSuh wrote on Apr 11, 2009:
More action definitely in American Football... on the other hand, soccer is clean and fun to watch as well. Also, soccer is worthless in the US, and the same is true for American Football in Europe.
cipristb's picture
cipristb wrote on Apr 10, 2009:
What do you think? Wich is the best, american football or soccer? (as I live in Europe, I don't like this word soccer, but I have to make a diference in this question)

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