Puok Reviews, Cambodia
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Recent reviews for Puok
Experiencing Angkor Wat - Sep 13, 2007, by MadSuh
I am really not sure what to write about, one of the wonders of the world or the mess this country is in. I have no doubt that greed is what rules in Cambodia and I have also no doubt that greed makes great riches and destroys them as well.... Read more »
Things about Puok you may be interested in
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Phnom Penh Sights
Many of the city’s museums are tied to painful events in this city’s history. The Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum tells the gruesome tale of the over 14,000 people tortured and murdered by the Khmer Rouge. The museum displays a large number of photographs and other artifacts. Until 2002, the museum used to house a horrific map of Cambodia made of 300 skulls, and even today, there are entire cabinets filled with skulls of the victims. The Documentation Centre of Cambodia is an impressive source of information about the Khmer Rouge regime, and it is highly recommended to visitors who are interested in the country’s recent history.... Read more »
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