Texas Travel Guide
If you have never been in Texas now is the moment. You must have seen or heard about the place so many of you have a pretty good idea about what it is like: a hot and flat land full of ranches with cowboys looking after their cattle and rich oilmen. The great number of western films has set an idea in people’s mind about how Texas looks like. Well think again!You can bust these myths about Texas only if you go there and see the place for yourself, this will definitely help you have a more realistic view and even if you’ll see cowboys, cattle, ranches and rich oilmen you will realize that this is only a small part of the big picture making up Texas.
Bust the myths and come to see the real Texas! – a place with confident people who are proud to be called Texans. They are not all cowboys, ranchers, oilmen and gamblers and even if the Wild West has left a mark on Texans and almost everybody wears a gun no matter where they are, they don’t shoot each other like they used to! Maybe because the capital punishment makes you think twice before shooting! But you don’t have to worry, even if they wear a gun, people are friendly and tourists can feel at ease.
You will be surprised to see the cultural diversity of the state, German, Czech, Spanish, Mexican, Irish communities blend in with the natives.
So there is diversity and not only in cultures but in all aspects. Texas, once mainly a rural state has developed into an urban one and the ranches are no more the dominant sight, big cities like Dallas, Huston and San Antonio being the representative cities belonging to the list of USA’s largest cities.
The state’s economy is based on a nice mix of high tech and agriculture. The past is preserved and pushed forward but it also leaves space for the new, thus even if Texas is seen as conservative you’ll find plenty examples of novelty.
Texas is well worth visiting as it offers any traveler something to see. If you’re a history buff you’ll find plenty of interesting museums and historical sites, if you’re a nature lover there are plenty of botanical gardens, national preserves, wildlife refuges and parks.
Dallas prides itself with the Arboretum and Botanical Garden that comes as an oasis in a city less known for its green spaces. You can find this attraction on the edge of White Rock Lake stretching on 70 acres. Fall is magnificent here because of the many different colors. A nice walk in its gardens and woodlands will fill up your soul with color too while the historic homes will take you back in time.
Texas is huge, actually it is the second largest state in USA and when we say huge we are talking country size. In case you are European you must know it is larger than your country no matter where you’re from. So if you plan to have a tour of Texas you will need more than a few days, but it is worth it as only this way you will be able to see the diverse landscape and change your idea of Texas being a dry and flat land. The desert area and canyons are to be found in Panhandle and Big Bend National Park. There is the McKittrick Canyon beautifully colored in fall and the Palo Duro Canyon State Park with its differently colored rocks is an amazing sight.
You want beaches! You can find them at Park Gulf Coast and Mustang Island State Park. In fall they can be even more welcoming as the heat is gone to be replaced by pleasant warmth.
Want more water! There are the lakes in Texas Hill Country.
Nature lovers will find out that Texas has a lot in store and attractions like Fort Worth Botanic Garden, Big Thicket National Preserve or Aransas National Wildlife Refuge reach up any expectations with wonderful flora and fauna.
Desert prairies, mountains, canyons, beaches, lakes and of course the vibe of the cities makes Texas anything but a “plain” state!
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