Wuppertal Travel Tips, Germany
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Recent travel tips for Wuppertal
- The monorail of WuppertalIf you want to make an funny shortsightseeing through the town, take the monorail of Wuppertal. The first Monorail of germany. There can also special roundtrips be booked on the historic 'Kaiserwagen'. [...]D: n/a00
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Wuppertal Sights
Wuppertal is no Cologne (Köln) or Dusseldorf, but still there is enough to see in this Wupper-valley city to keep tourists engaged and engrossed for a few days. Wuppertal sights include historic sites and districts, buildings and structures that are as much famous for their architecture as for their historic or cultural worth and a number of other cultural attractions like museums, galleries, etc. Again, there are Wuppertal’s many green-patches and natural attractions to visit. And then, there is Wuppertal’s greatest attraction ‘Schwebebahn’ to visit all these Wuppertal sights. [...]More travel tips you might be interested in
Martigny, Switzerland
It´s a nice small village, that has got a well equipped museum, showing roman history, as well as old-timer cars and modern history. If you are...
General: A nice village
Luxor, Egypt
The building s the mortuary temple of the first known female pharaoh, Hatshepsut, who reigned in the 15th century BC. She was one of the most...
History & Culture: Hatshepsut Temple
Reims, France
There are more than 200 vehicles exposed in this wonderful museum. It is ran by a pocketful of car collectors and displays vehicles from 1908 to...
History & Culture: Automobile Museum
Salford, United Kingdom
UK Minibus Hire is a minibus hire company in the United Kingdom. We are offering to book local minibus around many popular regions Sheffield,...
Public Transportation: Ukminibuses Travel
Zagreb, Croatia
Islands shouldn't be missed for a Croatian experience. Some information about Island Rab at http://www.rabholidays.com
General: Islands of the Adriatic sea
Bangalore, India
Nightlife in Bangalore is amazing....it has umpteen number of pubs, lounges, restaurants, motels and hotels....this is the place to be ...:)
Night Life & Entertainment: The Vidhan Soudha
Naples, Italy
If you are interested in greek and roman culture, you should definitely visit the national museum of Naples. There you can see excellent findings...
History & Culture: National Museum of Naples
Laguna, Philippines
How about going around Laguna de Bay. Grab a map of Rizal and Laguna from any National book store, and your on your way to fun fun and more fun! ...
General: Roundtrip tip with pie advise
Adana, Turkey
If you want to see one of the oldest churches of cristianity, then you should visit the church of the holy Petrus at Antakya. This place is about...
History & Culture: Petrus Grotto at Antakya
Novi Sad, Serbia
This is a public beach, one of the most beautiful on the Danube river. There are many cafes, restaurants fast food, and manysupporting facilities...
Beaches : Shtrand - Public Beach