The amazing Bangkok, Thailand
Reviews > Asia > Thailand > Bangkok > The amazing Bangkok
One of the best places to visit. Bangkok is cultural, diverse, interesting, amazing, friendly, and really lots of fun. Make sure you stay away from the bad places though...
There are beautiful sights for those who want to admire the Thai architecture and traditions. It is also the paradise for food lovers, you cannot miss to try some of the specialties of Thai cuisine, you will observe that locals eat and smile a lot as well, maybe there is connection.
Nightlife in Bangkok is exceptional, lights, great restaurants and the best clubs you have seen. You should, of course stay away from unsecure places, but you can really enjoy yourself if you are the owl type.
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Bangkok Travel guide
The people of Bangkok are warm and friendly and they take great pride in their monarchy. Bangkok has a diversified culture. Three important races - Thais Chinese immigrants and Malay -- dominate the city. Thais form 80% of the population. Then, there are the Chinese immigrants Malays and tribes like Khmers, Mons and other hill tribes. Taking a close look at the class distribution of the people of Bangkok one can see that the extreme rich and the very poor populace are the Thais. The minorities and foreigners form the middle class of Bangkok. The Chinese are seen to be engaged more in business than the other races.... Read more »
Recent reviews for Bangkok
Arriving back to Bangkok - Aug 18, 2007, by MadSuh
Finally I am back in Bangkok. My trip was alright, I was flying with LTU and it turned our to be very convenient. One thing that was funny was that now they charge €60 for the Emergency seats, how funny. "Would you like an upgrade... Read more »
A little more of Bangkok - Aug 22, 2007, by MadSuh
I didn't do a whole lot yesterday except walking around a lot. I met an interesting scotish guy who lives in Japan. We had a nice chat over dinner and then he was off to the airport. I love the fact that when you are traveling around in... Read more »
Back again in Bangkok - Sep 10, 2007, by MadSuh
Arriving in Bangkok felt really good, especially because our VIP 24 seat bus ride didn’t really turn out that great. I could barely sleep because we were sitting in the back and the road was quite bumpy. Anyhow, we got to our hotel... Read more »
Still in Bangkok - Aug 24, 2007, by MadSuh
So I picked up my Irina and Maria at the airport and then we headed for the first culture shock. I guess we did stop at our hotel first, where we took a quick nap. I also had to run back to my old hotel where I had left my airplane tickets... Read more »
Alle über Bangkok - Jun 27, 2009, by mary
Wo liegt Bagkok? Bangkok ist die große Hauptstadt Thailands und heißt Übersetzt „Die Stadt der Engel“. Ca. 6.859 Millionen Einwohner wohnen dort. Die Jahresdurchschnittstemperatur beträgt ca. 28, 4 Grad... Read more »
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