Climbing Mount Olymp with motorbike, Litochoro, Greece
Reviews > Europe > Greece > Litochoro > Climbing Mount Olymp with motorbike

For this trip we rented a motorbike. In Greece you don't need a specific driving licence for driving these scooters (it's not a real motorbike - you can see it on picture 5) you can drive them only having a driving licence for cars. We paid 12 euros for renting it for the whole day and we also had to pay the fuel for it but even so, I think that it wasn't expensive at all. The rent-a-moto shop was near the park with the fountain. I can recommend you this place because the guy here was very friendly, he speaks english (mixed with a little germen, but it's not a problem :)) and their motorbikes are in a very good condition. He even gave us a map before leaving.
We knew we have to head to Litochoro to reach the Olymp mountain. We also started to pay attention to the 'Olymp Mountain' road signs too. But even using the map we could lose our way :) The problem was that there was a brown road sign indicating that we should turn to right to the mountain. So we turned right :) We didn't stop to thing why that sign was brown... it was for hikers of course :) So when we saw nobody on the road we decided to turn back. On the road we asked an old man if we are going in the good direction. He didn't seak any english but tried to understand us and showed us the way finaly.
Then we reached Litochoro, this beautiful little city. If you turn one side you see the mountains reaching the sky, on the otther side there is the amazingly blue sea... it's really unique. The city has a little center where you can visit a church, there is a nice fountain, and from this point you can go for a walk in the neigbourhood. The streets are narrow so only the locals can park with their cars.
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