The road to Paralia, Greece
Reviews > Europe > Greece > Paralia > The road to Paralia
In August 2006 me and my boyfriend decided to visit Greece for some days. First we went to a few travel agencies to see what they offer, but we realized that for our budget Paraia in Greece is the perfect choice, and only by bus (the other possibility would have been by plane, but that we considered too expensive then).
We had to be in front of the travel agency at 12:30 am, but the bus was late... so we stayed there in the night, it started to rain... it was awful but we didn't complain because we knew in some hours we will be on the beach sunbathing :) But these "some" hours were 25-26 approximately... a very very long trip... in the first hours we stopped in a few bigger cities to pick up other passengers - this was okay because we saw nice buildings, parks... but after entering Bulgaria everything became boring... probably we drove on a road which is destined to not cross any cities but this way we saw only industrial area, a few cars, and plains... everything was grey and sad.
Finally we arrived to our hotel but we couldn't check in because it was only 1 pm. We tried to be patient and don't get angry, we didn't want this to ruin our vacation. In an hour we could get into our room and after this we went out to find the beach... when at the evening we had to get back to have dinner the previous day seemed just like a bad dream :)
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Be the first who requests a site listing for this page.1. Aug 4, 2006 The road to Paralia (Paralia) ( 7)
2. Aug 5, 2006 Don't miss while in Paralia (Paralia) ( 4)
3. Aug 7, 2006 Meteora experiences in Geece (Kalambaka) ( 16)
4. Aug 7, 2006 Visiting the icon workshop of Kalambaka (Kalambaka) ( 14)
5. Aug 11, 2006 My third trip in Athens (Athens) ( 49)
6. Aug 12, 2006 Climbing Mount Olymp with motorbike (Litochoro) ( 33)
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