travelgrove Reviews

My third trip in Athens, Greece

    Athens's mapAthens 1
Athens 2
Athens 3
angel's pictureby angel review
added on 24th of June, 2009

This was the second guided trip we chose. We had to be on the bus at 12:30 a.m. but even with this early start we reached Athens, the capital of Greece only at about 7:30 a.m.

Our first stop was the city's harbor where we made some photos of the ships but we were too tired to really enjoy it.

The traffic in Athens is awful. We were staying at a red light when some guy with motorbikes arrived and went in front of the whole line of cars, then a taxi who saw this also went in front of them... so neither the motorbiker nor the taxi driver were be able to see which color is the light and when it turned green the other drivers sounded their horn to announce them that it's time for leaving :)

Our second stop was the old Olympic Stadium. We made some pictures here and took a walk in the nearby park. Then we went on to our main target: the Acropolis.

It was around 12:30 p.m. when we arrived to the entrance of the Acropolis, the sun was shining and there are very few trees. Luckily we waited just a few minutes for our tickets, an then our guide showed us the way in. We stopped at many places to hear when was it built, etc. The best part was when our guide showed us a building and then a picture of it from a book how it was in the past. After taking some pictures at the Parthenon (from at least 10 meters... you can't go closer) we also went to see a museum. This was quite interesting, with many old things which were found here. But the funny part was that we could take pictures of the statues and everything only if we weren't in the picture... I really don't know why don't they let you take a picture of yourself near a beautiful statue...

After leaving the Acropolis we went to the city center. The old part of it is very nice with narrow streets and little windows on the buildings. From the new part I remember only the main street where very expensive shops can be found... If you go to the end of this street you will see the Parliament. We knew that in every hour the elite soldiers who are standing in front of it (like at the Buckingham Palace) are changing each other and there is a little show then... they not simply walk away when the new ones come, but they march and make funny moves. The square in front of the Parliament is full of pigeons, and if they see something eatable in your hand they fly to you and try to escape with it :)

After making some photos near the soldiers we went back to our bus and left Athens. That was a nice trip but if the weather would have been cooler it have been much nicer.


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6. Aug 12, 2006 Climbing Mount Olymp with motorbike (Litochoro)  (* 33)

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Read about Athens in our travel-guide
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Recommended Athens Guide

Athens History

Athens, GreeceFollowing the fall of Mycenaean civilization during the early Iron Age or around 1100 to 900 BC, the Dorians invaded Greece—to which we call Dorian Invasion. The start of historical period was around 900 to 700 BC when Greek city states start to develop—Athens, Corinth, and Sparta.  People started creating pots and were brought back to writing, hence, the term historical period.  It was during this time that Homer was known in the Greek world, having written epic poems like Iliad and Odyssey. ... Read more »


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