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Montgomery Travel Tips, Alabama


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Recent travel tips for Montgomery

  • Eastdale Shopping Mall
    It is the best place for window-shopping. It's not very crowded and the prices are acceptable. You will find almost anything you are looking for. [...]
    D: 5.7mi00
  • Hot-dogs
    Chris is the place where you will eat the best hot-dogs in Alabama. The diner was opened in 1917 and for many years was the hottest late-night spot in downtown Montgomery. By staying open twenty-four hours a day serving a healthy [...]
    D: 5.1mi00
  • Driving in Montgomery
    Be aware that there are a lot of one way streets in Montgomery...and some of the one-way signs are not visible. Make sure you see the sign before entering the street or at least check the direction of the parked cars. [...]
    D: 4.3mi00
  • Authentic 1940's bus-ride
    The best way to get to know Montgomery is to take a ride with the 1940's looking-like bus. The bus has air-conditioning, clean windows and if you're lucky, the driver will be an excellent tour-guide for you. He will present you the history [...]
    D: 5.6mi00
  • Alabama State Capitol Building
    The Alabama State Capitol Building is the first thing that you should visit in Montgomery. The building has witnessed events such as the declaration of a newly formed Confederate States of America by Jefferson Davis or Dr. Martin Luther [...]
    D: 4.9mi00

More travel tips about MontgomeryWe only have a few travel tips for Montgomery so take some time and feel free to share your own travel tips with the Travelgrove community. Write about your favorite restaurant, the best museum in town or the park you like most. Tell others what to do and what not to do in the city and help them benefit from your experience. Let’s explore together!


Things about Montgomery you may be interested in

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Montgomery Sights

Alabama has a thriving Victorian, Edwardian and Georgian history that can be seen on Columbus Street in the form of the old Alabama town which houses 40 or more Victorian residential and public structures that have been restored and renovated. The pages of history have come alive in this historic quarter/village featuring elegant sophisticated as well as rustic architectures. You can get a good idea of the life in the Deep South if you visit the old Alabama town.National Historic Trail from Montgomery to Selma It has been built as a tribute to the climactic outcome of the Civil Rights Movement which culminated in the Selma to Montgomery March [...]

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