Konstanz Travel Tips, Germany
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Recent travel tips for Konstanz
- Taking a shortcut to the cityIf you are going to Constance, coming from the north of germany, direction of Ravensburg, take the ferry at Meersburg. It will save you at least 30 minutes, and it costs only 5 € per person. Take a look at the time schedules of the [...]D: 4.6mi00
- Museen, Theater und RathausIn Konstanz gibt es viele Museen, Theater, Kunst und Bauwerke, so wie das Rathaus oder das Schnetztor. [...]D: n/a00
More travel tips about KonstanzWe only have a few travel tips for Konstanz so take some time and feel free to share your own travel tips with the Travelgrove community. Write about your favorite restaurant, the best museum in town or the park you like most. Tell others what to do and what not to do in the city and help them benefit from your experience. Let’s explore together!
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