A quick stop and great food in Surat, Thailand
Reviews > Asia > Thailand > Surat > A quick stop and great food in Surat
We left Railay Beach trying to go to Koh Tao. It would take a lot longer than we expected but we made the most of it. We took a pick up truck to the main bus station of Krabi and then left for Surathani. We found a nice little hotel and checked in took a shower and then took off for the markets. We did plan to go directly to Ko Tao but because the Speed Boats leave in the morning this was impossible. We only arrived in Surat Thani around 3pm so we could have taken the night boat at 11pm … scary! Anyhow, we visited a very nice night market with a ton of exotic food, fruits, clothes etc. We stopped first to have some Kao Kha Moo, basically cooked pork knuckles on rice, very nice. I usually cook that stuff too and it’s nice to compare and see how much better it is when you get the real thing. We also had some nice Pad Thai (Fried Noodles with Seafood) and Chicken Satay which was also nice. We tried some cooked peanuts, some weird coconut omelets and finally a typically Thai pancake with banana and chocolate.
We finished our feast with some pineapple and some durian of course. We went back to our room and played for about two hours and then went to bed.
A tiring and yet fulfilling day. After days of tourism we finally felt like finally we had arrived to a real Thai place, with the spirit that I was used to when I lived here. Things have changed a lot in Thailand since I left and I really enjoyed the experience.
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Be the first who requests a site listing for this page.1. Aug 18, 2007 Arriving back to Bangkok (Bangkok) (

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6. Aug 23, 2007 The best beaches and islands of Thailand (Krabi) (

7. Aug 24, 2007 A quick stop and great food in Surat (Surat) (

8. Aug 25, 2007 Koh Tao - My favorite Thai island (Ko Phangan) (

9. Sep 4, 2007 From Koh Tao via Chumpon to Bangkok (Bangkok) (

10. Sep 5, 2007 Back again in Bangkok (Bangkok) (

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