Railay Beach - Nice Place, Ban Khlong Yang, Thailand
Reviews > Asia > Thailand > Ban Khlong Yang > Railay Beach - Nice Place
The next day was really nice, we got up late, had a great breakfast and finally saw the sun again. Our luck had changed and we could enjoy a full day at the beach. This high end resort has a great beach on the other side of the mountain and that’s the one we went to. After a 20min walk to the other side of the mountain you reach this beautiful and calm beach. They have fantastic turquoise water, huge cliffs, stalactites and wonderful palm trees. You can climb the rocks a little or go swimming. The place is not really good for snorkeling though as the sandy beaches don’t offer good visibility and not much to see.
Some monkeys came down from the mountain in the afternoon and people started feeding them with corn. We even saw a monkey steal a bag of chips and they were later fighting over it. The monkeys are naughty everywhere, not as naughty as in Bali though, where they are trained to steal sun glasses and jewelry from tourists and then the tourists need to buy them back from the monkeys for bananas.
We also climbed into some small lagoon and saw some rock climbers. Krabi and the surrounding areas apparently offer some of the best rock climbing in the world. Even though I am not a rock climber I will easily believe it because the cliffs are really amazing. I always wanted to see them and now finally have.
At night, we walked up to see some cave. I didn’t bring my camera so I don’t have any pictures of the inside but Matko took some pics, and I will post them later on. The cave which is called diamond cave has some stalactites and stalagmites inside. They are quite pretty because they really do shine like diamonds. I have seen many caves and this was not a big one, around 100 meters long in total. They did have a bat colony on the ceiling which was interesting. Those big guys hanging up there like dead fish that’s hung to dry or something… interesting. We took a good 10 minutes at the cave and then walked back. It was a nice and fulfilling day overall and another day of many nice impressions for all of us.
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