travelgrove Reviews

About Royal Palace in Madrid for visitors, Spain

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cipristb's pictureby cipristb review
added on 30th of April, 2009

The Royal Palace is one of the main tourist attractions of the city of Madird and the largest palace in Western Europe. The palace is the official residence of the king of Spain and his family, but is used only at official ceremonies, while for the public is closed.

The building was built by King Philip the 5th on the ruins of Alcazar Fortress.The work started in 1738 and lasted only 17 years until completion in 1755. The building has an area of 135000 square meters and contains 2800 rooms. Inside the palace we visit the Real Pharmacy with a lot of bottles with exotic cures of past ages, the museum "Museo de la Real Armeria" the museum "Museo de la Real Armeria", but the most interesting grand royal apartments are very decorated. Outside the palace the tourists can visit the palace gardens "Campo del Moro" which are also a unique beauty.


Things about Madrid you may be interested in

Madrid - overview

1. Jul 20, 2006 Madrid attractions: the Prado Museum (Madrid)
2. Jul 22, 2006 About Royal Palace in Madrid for visitors (Madrid)
3. Jul 25, 2006 Short trip to the Escorial Palace, Madrid (Madrid)

Start from beginning1 - 3          Journal overview

Read about Madrid in our travel-guide
Madrid attractions: the Prado MuseumShort trip to the Escorial Palace, Madrid
cipristb's picture
cipristb wrote on May 1, 2009:
Check the whole paragraph not 2 or 3 combinations of words
erato's picture
erato wrote on May 1, 2009:
//the museum 'Museo de la Real Armeria' the museum 'Museo de la Real Armeria'// - hmmmm, looks like somebody pasted the same text twice... :P By the way was it fun to visit? How you made it? :P And how should I do, if it's closed to public? :P Cheers

Recommended Madrid Guide

Madrid History

Madrid, SpainMadrid has always been a cultural centre within the European continent, but the years between 1935 and 1975 did not help matters that much.  Spain was under a fascist dictatorship for most of that period and it was only with the death of Franco that the last officially fascist government left power in Europe and Spain was able to become a democratic nation in the mould of many of its nearby counterparts.  Ever since 1975 Spain has experienced free elections and democratic rule and under that particular atmosphere, the cultural aspects of Madrid have come back again in full force.  The evidence of the brutal repression that occurred over... Read more »


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Madrid attractions: the Prado Museum - Apr 30, 2009, by cipristb
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Short trip to the Escorial Palace, Madrid - Apr 30, 2009, by cipristb
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