travelgrove Reviews

Saint Petersburg Reviews, Russia

    's mapPlanning a trip to Saint Petersburg, Russia? Unless it's not your first visit there, it's sure you have a ton of questions you want to ask about the whats, wheres and whos of Saint Petersburg. Well, you're in luck, because we have an incredibly helpful community of veteran travelers that often share their experiences in the locations they visit and we have a couple of these user-written reviews on Saint Petersburg as well. You can check them out below and remember, if you want additional information on Saint Petersburg or any other destination, feel free to ask our team about it or post a question in our forum section.

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Recent reviews for Saint Petersburg

Erfahrungen in Sankt Petersburg - Jul 1, 2009, by mary
Wo liegt Sankt Petersburg? Sankt Petersburg liegt im Nordwesten Russlands und wurde 1703 gegründet von Peter dem Großen. Sankt Petersburg ist die zweit größte Stadt Russlands nach Moskau. Vom 18. Bis ins 20.... Read more »

Things about Saint Petersburg you may be interested in


Recommended Saint Petersburg Guide

Saint Petersburg Nightlife

St. Petersburg at Night No visit to a major city is complete without experiencing its nightlife. St. Petersburg is no exception. Once in the clutches of communism the night scene in St. Petersburg began emerging only in the late 1980s although it began in secret. In keeping up with the 80s music era, rock clubs were the places to be back then. Then in the 90s, warehouse parties became the norm in the United States and St. Petersburg followed suit. Today St. Petersburg offers an eclectic selection of nightspots. Restaurants For those who'd like to pamper their palettes they can choose from an array of restaurants and cafes that... Read more »

Cheap flights to Saint Petersburg

Recent Saint Petersburg flights found by Travelgrove users

  • $1377Thy Turkish Airlines flight Thy Turkish Airlines 
    Fort Worth/Dallas, TX (DFW)St. Petersburg, RU (LED)09/24/202408:40 pm
    St. Petersburg, RU (LED)Fort Worth/Dallas, TX (DFW)10/01/202405:45 am check price
  • $1379Thy Turkish Airlines flight Thy Turkish Airlines 
    Denver, CO (DEN)St. Petersburg, RU (LED)10/01/202407:35 pm
    St. Petersburg, RU (LED)Denver, CO (DEN)10/10/202405:45 am check price
  • $1407Thy Turkish Airlines flight Thy Turkish Airlines 
    Atlanta, GA (ATL)St. Petersburg, RU (LED)09/24/202409:35 pm
    St. Petersburg, RU (LED)Atlanta, GA (ATL)10/02/202405:45 am check price

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