Madrid attractions: the Prado Museum, Spain
Reviews > Europe > Spain > Madrid > Madrid attractions: the Prado Museum
Prado Museum is included in the top 10 most beautiful museums in the world. It was inaugurated in 1819. The museum is located in a building from the time of Charles The third.
This building houses the most interesting collections of European art. Even if it was founded as a museum of sculpture and painting it has besides the 8600 paintings and 700 sculptures: 5000 drawings, 2000 posters, 1000 coins and about 2000 decorative objects.
Among the great artists who have exhibited works in this museum we can remember the following: Goya, Velasquez, Ribera, Titian, Boticelli, Tintoretto, Durer and Poussin, Murillo, Zurbaran, El Greco. The most famous work of art you can find here is "Las Meninas" by Velasquez.
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1. Jul 20, 2006 Madrid attractions: the Prado Museum (Madrid)
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Madrid History
Madrid stayed in Muslim hands until approximately the end of the 11th century, at which point it was handed over to a precursor to the modern Spanish state. All of the history of Madrid from that time to the present is very much in keeping with the image of Madrid as a Spanish Town and it is for that reason that many people tell the idealized Roman version of the history, because that tends to link up more and be more attractive as a point of continuance than what most historians believe is the real history of the region. With Italian and Spanish being languages that hail from the same base, this is a convenient way to recount events. ... Read more »
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