travelgrove Reviews

Amazing canyon in Romania, Bicaz

    Bicaz's mapBicaz 1
Bicaz 2
Bicaz 3
szbogi's pictureby szbogi review
added on 10th of August, 2007

After leaving the St. Anna lake we continued our journey. Our plan was to find a place to sleep in the village where the Red Lake (Killer Lake) is but we weren't lucky and by the time we arrived almost all the hotels and motels were full. We found a place (a little motel) where we would have to pay $80/room to stay only one night... it was funny when the owner told us the price:) In a 3-star hotel one night stay costs about $50-$60...

So tired and a bit sad we decided to go further hoping that we will find a motel in a village near this. It was dusk already so we were in hurry. After a few kilometers we reached a very interesting place. The road cut through the mountains but the rocks were so close that sometimes we could have touched them from our car's window. It was a bit frightening because it was almost night and there were no lights. At that time we didn't realise that this was the famous Bicaz Canyon which we planned to see on the next day:) I had been there once but I think about 10 years ago and I remembered this place kind a different...:P

Finally we arrived to a village named Bicazul Ardelean where we found a motel and went to sleep. In the next morning we talked a bit with the owner of the place and we also got some coffee to drink:). She was very friendly and helpful. She adviced us to go to see the Bicaz artificial lake and barrage a few kilometers away.

It was a really good advice:) The lake was huge and it was interesting to see from the top of the barrage the boats on the lake... they were so little:)

After a few minutes we set off to our next stop: the Bicaz Canyon.


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Tour in Transilvania, Romania - overview

1. Jul 15, 2007 Initial experiences in Oradea (Oradea)
2. Jul 15, 2007 The legend of the castle of Deva (Deva)  (* 6)
3. Jul 15, 2007 The Medieval Castle of Hunedoara (Hunedoara)  (* 11)
4. Jul 15, 2007 Visiting Sibiu in the summer (Sibiu)  (* 7)
5. Jul 16, 2007 In the Fagaras Mountains, Romania (Fagaras)  (* 33)
6. Jul 16, 2007 Short trip to the Vidraru Lake, Romania (Curtea de Arges)  (* 14)
7. Jul 17, 2007 At the Bran Castle, Dracula's legendary home (Bran)  (* 21)
8. Jul 17, 2007 Visiting the Peles Castle near Sinaia (Sinaia)  (* 11)
9. Jul 17, 2007 Brasov, one of Romania's greatest cities (Brasov)  (* 11)
10. Jul 18, 2007 The baths of Tusnad and the St. Anna Lake (Tusnad)  (* 3)
11. Jul 19, 2007 Amazing canyon in Romania (Bicaz)  (* 5)
12. Jul 19, 2007 Excursion at the Bicaz Canyon (Cheile Bicazului) (Bicaz)  (* 8)
13. Jul 19, 2007 At the Red Lake of Romania (Lacu Rosu)  (* 7)
14. Jul 19, 2007 At the Salt Mine in Praid (Praid)  (* 12)
15. Jul 20, 2007 Last station: Sovata and the Bear Lake (Sovata)  (* 4)

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Excursion at the Bicaz Canyon (Cheile Bicazului)

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