Visiting the Peles Castle near Sinaia, Romania
Reviews > Europe > Romania > Sinaia > Visiting the Peles Castle near Sinaia
This castle was very different from the previous ones mainly because it was built between 1873 and 1883, so it's "new" compared to the others visited before:)
The castle was the summer residence of king Carol I so inside is very richly decorated. We went inside with a group, and there was a guide who spoke about the rooms, decoration, history and everything. It was a very short tour, we didn't have enough time to look at the things better, everywhere we had to hurry to hear what the guide tells.
Everything in the castle was beautiful and every time we went in the next room we was stunned and wondered: how much money did this king had:) In one room were only old guns, and armors, another room was full of books, in one room was a very big mirror which was made of glass from Murano, there were carpets which the king had got from Iran, so everything was very interesting and precious. We were sorry that the tour ended so soon...
After seeing the castle from the inside we thought about walking a bit in its park. This was very nice, too with fountains, statues and guards too of course:P
This was my second visit to this castle but if i have the opportunity I will go to see it again. On the tour the guide said the the first floor is now closed but from September it will be opened once a month... I hope I will see it once:)
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