Experiences at Kawasan Falls, Cebu City, Philippines
Reviews > Oceania & Australasia > Philippines > Cebu City > Experiences at Kawasan Falls

For those who loved adventure and fun, this is the place to be. I highly recommend Kawasan Falls for nature lover out there. There will be a very long hiking from the main road towards the falls itself. A good exercise that is. When walking down the trail, you will definitely start to fall in love with the place.
The water that runs down from the falls down to the river, you can definitely see it along the trail. The beauty it brings to everyone who loves nature. The water is so clean, crystal clean. There is no floating plastic, or bottles or anything trash that would ruin the beauty of the place. Kawasan Falls is well-preserved and protected. Kudos to the local government and all the people in Badian for making Kawasan Falls remain as beautiful as it is today.
There is an entrance fee of about $0.50 (as of the last time we went there last Sept. 2008) in order to see a majestic of it's own.
The people in Badian, the ones who are taking care of Kawasan and who owns the restaurant and cottages there were very friendly. They know how to entertain visitors whether locals or foreigners.
Money Wise
For those on a tight budget, the non-aircon bus (the terminal is in Cebu City) would cost around $4.58 round trip. The cottage that we had there was free:)
But I asked the cousin of my friend, and did some research the cottage near the waterfalls would cost around $20 (for non-aircon room) and $30-$40 for aircon room per day.
There is a restaurant near the cottages, the prices are affordable but one can save much more when buying food in the market or grocery store and eat it there.
The raft riding costs about $20 more or less plus a tip of $10 for the guy who pull the rope from the cottage to the falls vice versa.
Plus entrance fee of $0.50 it would be great. For a budget of $50 one can enjoy Kawasan Falls and a lot more.
Note: Amounts are in US dollars. The prices are as of September 2008.
I give Kawasan Falls two thumbs up! Highly recommended for those who love nature, outdoor activities, and adventure. For $50 nothing can beat that!
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Rafting on Kawasan FallsDon't miss it while in Cebu City
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