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Quick facts about Fort San Pedro, Cebu City, Philippines

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ultimatetravel's pictureby ultimatetravel review
added on 16th of May, 2009

Real Name (in Spanish): Fuerza de San Pedro

Total Area: 2,025 square meters

Materials used in construction: stones and mortar

Year of Construction: 1565

Built by: Spaniards

Purpose: To stop the sieges of the natives as well as the Muslim pirates to come in

Year finished: 1738

Three Bastions: San Miguel located on the northeast, Ignacio de Loyola located on the southeast and La Concepcion located on the southwest side

Dimensions/Structure: 20 ft. high, 8 ft. thick, towers rise about 30 ft. right from the ground

Different uses of the Fort:

1. 1896-1898 Prison for the rebels (Phil. Revolution)

2. year unknown converted into American Warwick Barracks

3. 1937-1941 converted into classrooms where the Cebuano people got their first hand formal education

4. 1941-1945 prison camp for Japanese soldiers (WWII)

5. year unknown became a hospital during the battle for liberation

6. 1946-1950 converted into an army camp

As of now, Fuerza de San Pedro (Fort San Pedro) became museum-park that houses different artifacts during the Spanish era, paintings, cannons, sculptures, and porcelain pieces.


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Fort San Pedro - Through the Years - overview

1. May 16, 2009 Quick facts about Fort San Pedro (Cebu City)  (* 2)
2. May 16, 2009 Things to know about Fort San Pedro (Cebu City)
3. May 16, 2009 All you have to know about Fort San Pedro, Cebu (Cebu City)
4. May 17, 2009 Memories about Fort San Pedro (Cebu City)

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