Guanajuato Nightlife, Mexico
Once you are done with various delicious cuisines of this city and once you have visited all the historical monuments then please don’t think about taking a nap after the sun sets and life goes on in the city of Guanajuato even when then moon rises. Nightlife of Guanajuato is full of excitement with many night clubs delivering live music throughout the night, various artistic stage shows, theater plays, different kinds of ballets, opera, huge orchestras, severe wrestling fights, and dangerous boxing matches are always ready to help you experience a memorable night in the city of Guanajuato.
Guanajuato Grill is the place to be for those who want to get the feel of the culture which the city has still preserved. It is full of people ranging in the age of 30s and it is run in a historical building of Guanajuato thus giving it a more cultural look. Although the look is modern yet this awesome nightclub hasn’t lost the touch of culture and this is what makes this place different from the other nightclubs of this city.
El Pozo is the beautiful bar of Guanajuato which is located in the famous Camino Real Guanajuato Hotel. This bar was once the part of some silver mine that was discovered somewhere in the 16th century. Located right in the entrance of the huge hotel, this bar has all the elegance which you will look for when you want to have a nightlife which is away from the fast hoopla of the city. It is the place for those who want to dine and wine all at one place and also for those who want to give their brain some rest.
Capitolio is another happening nightclub for the city of Guanajuato. This nightclub is famous amongst the locals of the city due to its traditional touch and due to the latest hip hop music which is played in this nightclub. Music of this nightclub is played as per the likings of the customers. You will surely love the ambience of this club and the security which makes it easy for female customers to enjoy their nights without facing any problems.
Nightlife in the city of Guanajuato is worth enjoying and again we will suggest you not to sleep once you take your dinner as life starts after 9 pm here in Guanajuato.
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