Vaduz Travel Guide, Liechtenstein
Vaduz Travel Guide – The Smallest German-speaking Country
This Vaduz travel guide will give you all the essential facts about the capital of the small state of Liechtenstein. Located in Europe, on the border with Austria and Switzerland, Liechtenstein is the only country in the world besides Uzbekistan considered to be doubly landlocked, which means that it is surrounded by other landlocked states and its citizens have to cross at least two borders in order to reach a coastline. Liechtenstein compensates by being an alpine state with very popular and crowded resorts, the perfect destination for winter sports. It is the smallest German speaking country in the world and it is organized as a constitutional monarchy, with the Seat of Parliament and the Roman Catholic Archbishopric being located in the capital, Vaduz. Although Vaduz functions as administrative centre for Liechtenstein and it is known internationally, it is actually not the biggest city in the principality, having just over 5.000 inhabitants. Neighboring Schaan has a larger population than Vaduz, reaching up to 6.000 and functioning as an important economical centre.
Vaduz Travel Guide – The Vaduz Castle and Other Landmarks
Vaduz is located along the Rhine River and it displays a continental climate, with temperatures reaching an average high of 23 degrees in July and average lows of -3.5 degrees in January. When you reach the city you’ll find that the most impressive landmark is the Vaduz Castle, the official residence of the Prince of Liechtenstein, which sits on a hilltop in the city proper. Unfortunately it is not open for visitation at all, but it still makes a beautiful impression in how it overlooks the city and is visible from any part of Vaduz. Other important landmarks are buildings such as the Cathedral of St. Florin, the City Hall or the Government headquarters, all of which are representative for different styles of architecture.
Vaduz Travel Guide – The City without a Train Station
One of the strongest paradoxes you’ll find in this Vaduz travel guide and in the city as well is that in spite of the fact that the town has an impressive amount of tourists, it is one of the few capitals that has neither a train station nor an airport. The railway station, called Schaan-Vaduz, is located in nearby Schaan, and the whole area comprised by the two cities can be considered a small scale metropolitan area. Although few trains stop in Schaan-Vaduz, there are bus connections to more important train stations. For lovers of art the city has both a National Museum and an Art Gallery, that handle Liechtenstein’s culture and history, respectively modern and contemporary art, the entire art collection of the state belonging to these institutions. Vaduz also features a small Ski Museum, as part of the tribute the city pays to its wonderful natural landscape.
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travel tip by davidsbeenhere posted more then 30 days ago
Vaduz the capital of Liechtenstein is a small little town. Its smaller then most towns that I have visited in Spain and there is very little to see. There is only one Pedestrian street and that is Stadtle street. The only other sight to...