What to know about the Westminster Abbey, London, United Kingdom
Reviews > Europe > United Kingdom > London > What to know about the Westminster Abbey
Westminster Cathedral is the most famous, and beautiful old Gothic cathedral in London.For UK has a great spiritual value in it because here are buried most of the english kings and queens, heroes, poets and other famous people: Elizabeth I, Henry VII, Isac Newton, Princess Diana, etc..
The real name of the cathedral is "College Church of Saint Peter". The building was built by Eduard The Confessor in the eleventh century. Originally this place was a place of worship founded since the seventh century.
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1. Jul 18, 2003 Big Ben, a must see in London (London)
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3. Jul 20, 2003 What to know about the Westminster Abbey (London)
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Get to enjoy the city’s entire splendor by taking a walk in its numerous parks. One of the most-visited parks in London is the Kensington Gardens, having a 260-acre royal backyard. You may want to take your family or friends to stroll along its beautiful paths. Gaze at the magnificent palace and formal gardens and get to see royal artifacts in the art gallery. Kensington Gardens is not the largest, you may want to visit the Hyde Park too, one of London’s larger Royal Parks. It has lots of open space, with over 350 acres of playgrounds, lake, woods, both formal and informal sporting areas and greenery. It is a perfect place to... Read more »
Recent reviews for London
What to do in London - Feb 22, 2006, by travelgrove-editor
London, one of the world's greatest cities, offers a bountiful array of attractions and activities. For those intrigue with the royals, to the adventure seeker, to those who want to take in all the major museums and attractions this city... Read more »
Visiting European capitals - May 23, 2009, by bicska
if you would like to travel in Europe, this could be a nice idea for you: from London to Rome(London, Paris, Bern, Rome) in 20 days! A few tips: 1) with a group of 8, I would start working on accomodations... though you didn't say when... Read more »
The Second Day of my London vacation - Jun 29, 2009, by danpop
After we woke and I had to stay in line to brush my teeth, because we only had one sink and there were 13 of us, we brought in a hurry something to eat for that day, and we went to see the ceremony of Changing the Guard at the Buckingham... Read more »
First impression about London - Jun 29, 2009, by danpop
In April 2007, I visited London alongside my three colleagues I was with at a scholarship in Lille, a friend from the hostel where we stayed and a colleague from the university lab. Of course we were very excited about this trip and eager... Read more »
London is the best place to visit - Aug 30, 2009, by bicska
I am sure I am not alone with the feeling that London is the best city ever and anywhere... Well I really love that capital city and only because I spent there one of the best weeks in my life, but because that city is alive and you can... Read more »
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