Adventures in Hammamet, Tunisia
Reviews > Africa > Tunisia > Hammamet > Adventures in Hammamet
The first impression, i got on my ride from the airport to the hotel was "great". I alraedy knew, that the area wouldn't be very nice, but in fact it was very spoiled and dirty.
The same appearance, when we went next day on a ride to visit the famous mosque at Kairouan, El Djem and Monastir. The first is, that they have a good highway, if you go by coast. But if you leave it, it's gonna be interesting!
We left the highway to see the mosque, but finding the way to it, was very difficult, because they didn't put up many street signs. Maybe to make it more interesting for europeans. The landscape wasn't bad, but everywhere you could see trash in the woods, a lot of trash. The villages we passed during searching the right way, were really making you afraid. Lonely in the woods, rotted buildings and people looking very dull and a litlle bit aggressive. But finally we found the city of the mosque.
There we have been captured by a local, who wanted to lead us throught the city. To be honest, it was our own fault. At first we should have spoken about the price, the second thing was, that we should have refused to go with him, because we have been led through the shops of his friends i guess. Nevertheless, i think if you have an good guide, you can see a nice city.
Another adventure was the way from Kairouan to El Djem, tghe place of the famous roman Amphitheater. For over an hour we couldn't see any street signs and the motorway wasn't existing at all. The holes in the street were well hidden, so you could see them only before riding above. Sometimes we thought now we' can walk because our wheels brake now.... But we also got to El Djem. The Amphitheater is really worth a look, because its highly preserved. But be careful of the tourist traps, they set up around it. Dont let yourself be taken somewhere, where you dont want to! Immediately say no, a several times, and just go away. Otherwise they'll sell you something.
We went on to Monastir, which was easy to reach in comparison, because it's lying next to the highway. The city itself it's not very nice, some kind of dirt everywhere, but you can watch a good preserved fort from the middle ages.
When we finally got back to the hotel, we were really exhausted and dissilusioned because of the people and the overall situation. First thing is, that nearly all the people want to sell you something in a very aggressiv way, some areas are very dangerous and for women it's not to suggest to go anywhere alone, you should always have friends with you, because the Arabs even try to kiss you, if you are alone.
So, this was the first day, i'll write about the next days later on. Pictures will be added when i'm back, because this Internet here is more than slow! Ciao!
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Be the first who requests a site listing for this page.1. Nov 24, 2008 Adventures in Hammamet (Hammamet) ( 40)
2. Nov 24, 2008 Visitor information about Kairouan (Kairouan) ( 2)
3. Nov 24, 2008 Adventures on the Kairouan to El Djem road (El Djem) ( 32)
4. Nov 24, 2008 Experiencing Monastir (Monastir) ( 9)
5. Nov 24, 2008 Bazaar adventures in Hammamet (Hammamet) ( 3)
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Bazaar adventures in Hammamet
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