Was zu wissen über Bergün, Bergun, Switzerland
Reviews > Europe > Switzerland > Bergun > Was zu wissen über Bergün
Wo liegt Bergün?
Bergün, auch Bravuogn genannt, ist ein kleines Dorf in der Schweiz. Es hat nur 505 Einwohner. Haupsächlig wird dort Deutsch gesprochen, aber auch Italienisch und Romänisch. DieHäuser sind meistents aus dem 16. Jahrhundert.
Was kann man dort machen?
In Bergün kann man sehr gut Ski fahren. Es gibt zwei kleine Lifte am Dorfhang und noch mehr auf dem großen Berg. Eine Roddelbahn gibt es auch. Man muss aber erst mit dem großen Skilift nach oben fahren. In Bergün gibt es einen Wanderberg, der "Latsch" heißt.
Nach Begün kommen im Winter viele deutsche Schüler ins Skischullandheim. Sie wohnen dann im Plazi Haus. Dieses Haus kann man auch so mieten.
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Berne Sights
A visit to Berne is not complete without basking on the gardens found in this city. These gardens provide a relaxing atmosphere to anyone who chooses to have a calming day. Rose Garden. This is a huge park with an outstanding view of the Aare River and the old town. The name of the garden is due to it housing more than 200 kinds of roses. Aside from these flowers, the Rose Garden also has different types of irises and rhododendrons. A pavilion and reading garden is also found here. Botanical Gardens. This garden is home to about 6000 species of plants divided into 7 greenhouses. Visitors of the Botanical Gardens can also learn about the Swiss... Read more »
Recent reviews for Bergun
Snowboard and ski in Arosa - Jul 9, 2008, by lindamura
Arosa is a small mountain resort in Switzerland. It was discovered in 1883 as a health resort, but after a few years it became a winter resort. It is still new as a resort in comparison to its older sisters in the country. You can get to... Read more »
Bern experience - Aug 22, 2009, by bicska
Yesterday night, after I arrived home from Bern(from the old car festival) and I uploded the pictures, I realised how much I love making pictures. Is not just my work, is not just my hobby, it's much more than that... it is a vision, an... Read more »
Martigny, a great place to relax in Switzerland - Apr 20, 2009, by Wazling
Martigny is a nice small town in Switzerland at the area of the 'Wallis'. It's not so big, but the place offers you a good museum, showing you the ancient history but also an oldtimer exhibition - which is very nice - and local art. At... Read more »
Winter sports in Grinderwald - Aug 16, 2009, by bicska
Ithink it was the most beautiful place I ever been in my hole life. Is just amazing! Sitting aganst the 4000 meter high montains is a feeling what I can not tell someone's, you just come here and feel it! Fantastic place to relax or to have... Read more »
Trottbike tour in Switzerland - Aug 16, 2009, by bicska
If you'll go somehow to geindelwalt you must trie this trottibike-ing. Is very interesting and excited! I was littlebit afraid befor, because you need to slant more than 1000 metres, but anyway, you need to trie, it very very very nice... Read more »
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