travelgrove Reviews

Short vacation in Oradea, Bern, Switzerland

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bicska's pictureby bicska review
added on 15th of October, 2009
I was home for 5 and half day, it was beatiful, and I need to thank for all of my friends for the many nice meetings, parties, talks. It was a very good almoust 6 days long short-week. Everybody knows how much I really love travelling, but Home is the best. Next time I can go home in 17th of december and I will stay for 10 days, or something like that, I'm not sure at the moment. Before that I'll have many things to do and to see. In two week I'm going to Paris, and in 3th of december I'm going back to another "home", to London, I am so excited of that too.

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1. Oct 5, 2009 Short vacation in Oradea (Bern)

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Traveling to Bern

Recommended Bern Guide

Bern Nightlife

Bern nightlife is very vibrant and you can have a great time with either classical themed avenues or modern live music and dancing arenas. A lot of posters can be seen all over the city, plastered with new events, and there are several listings on Bern nightlife available pretty much anywhere you decide to look. In general, Bern nightlife focuses on bars along cobblestone streets full of rich history and even underground cellars that have been around for centuries. Whether for a drink at the platz or dancing well into the night, Bern has something to offer any night owl.... Read more »


Recent reviews for Bern

Traveling to Bern - Aug 30, 2009, by bicska
I'm living at the moment in Bern (Switzerland). It is really interested to live in here, are happening some strange, but positive strange things what I wasn't expected in my life. I want to go in this year all around west and south Europe.... Read more »

Bern experience - Aug 22, 2009, by bicska
Yesterday night, after I arrived home from Bern(from the old car festival) and I uploded the pictures, I realised how much I love making pictures. Is not just my work, is not just my hobby, it's much more than that... it is a vision, an... Read more »


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