Mui Ne Reviews, Vietnam
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Recent reviews for Mui Ne
Mui Ne Vacation - May 3, 2010, by VanUK
I had a chance to travel Mui Ne in 2 days with my family. That was very fund and memoriable. I really impressed with the sand dunes there. So I think I should share my experience and photos. Mui Ne is about 4-5 hours bus ride from HCM to... Read more »
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Be the first who requests a site listing for this page.Recommended Ho Chi Minh City Guide
Ho Chi Minh City Sights
The Museum of Ho Chi Minh City is a few minutes from this hotel where you can see displays of the communist power struggle in Vietnam. The War Remnants Museum was first called the Museum of Chinese and American War Crimes.Learn more about the American and Vietnam War This is where you get to see stories of the American and Vietnam War through hundreds of photographs, some of which are not advised for children. The Reunification Palace is really worth visiting when in Ho Chi Minh City as this was the HQ of the South Vietnamese in their war. The tanks found to the right are the ones that had knocked the gates to indicate the Fall of Saigon on... Read more »
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