travelgrove Reviews

Ein Besuch in Paris, France

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mary's pictureby mary review
added on 14th of June, 2009

Wo liegt Paris?

Paris ist die Haupstadt von Frankreich und liegt im Norden. Ca. 10 Millionen Einwohner hat Paris. Der Fluss Seine fließt durch Paris hindurch und teilt die Stadt.

Welche Temperaturen hat Paris?

Die Durchschnittstemperatur in Paris ist 10,8 Grad. Der Juli ist der wärmste Mona, mit 18,4 Grad.


In Paris ist die Tour de France (Fahrradmarathon), der Paris Marathon, die French Open (Tennis) und noch vieles mehr.

Was kann man in Paris sehen?

In Paris gibt es sehr viele schöne Kirchen,viele Parks, 100 Theater, über 650 Kinos, 160 Museen, 200 Kunstgallerien und 10.000 Rastaurants. Es gibt den großen Eifelturm, aufden man raufsteigen kann, einen großen Triuphbogen und ein riesen Einkaufszentrum. Außerdem kann man ins Disneyland resort Paris gehen. Dort gibt es alles was Kinder lieben. Achterbahnen, Grusselkabinets,...


In Paris isst man gerne Schnecken, Baguets und Croessants,...


Things about Paris you may be interested in


Read about Paris in our travel-guide
What to know about the Notre Dame CathedralTop things to do in Paris
MadSuh's picture
MadSuh wrote on Jun 15, 2009:
Was sind denn Croessants ;) hehehe

Recommended Paris Guide

Paris History

Paris, FranceOn July 14, 1789, the Bastille prison in Paris was burned and marked the beginning of French Revolution.  Life got harder for the people and the monarchy showed no sign of sympathy or concern which resulted to the beheading of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette.   Napoleon Bonaparte stabilized the situation and became emperor. By the middle of 19th century, Paris greatly improved in terms of infrastructures like buildings, road and sewage systems.  From that time up until 1940, there were a lot of revolutions mostly due to power hunger and people rising up to the leaders. By 1944, Paris is freed with help of Allied Forces and restorations... Read more »


Recent reviews for Paris

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France - Paris Spring time is great to visit, as the city is pleasantly warm but not too hot. The southern regions are nicer in the summer time as you want to hit the beaches. Autumn can get cooler and there can be a bunch of rain. The... Read more »

Public transportation in Paris - Aug 16, 2009, by erato
Paris is indeed an amazing city with world famous monuments and people. It is as beautiful as they say but still causes many surprises for a first-time visitor like myself.Paris - Transportation There are two different cities, one under... Read more »

Quick facts about the Louvre Museum - Apr 30, 2009, by cipristb
Louvre is the largest museum of history and art from France and one of the most important museums in the world. It is located in the heart of Paris in a former royal palace, Louvre Palace. It includes a wide variety of works of art... Read more »

What to know about the Notre Dame Cathedral - Apr 30, 2009, by cipristb
The Notre Dame Cathedral is one of the most recognized historic monuments in France. It is located on Ile de la Cite, its construction began in 1163 and lasted until 1250. The Notre Dame Cathedral is considered the darkest gothic style... Read more »

You will need a lot of time in Paris - Aug 27, 2009, by erato
Paris is just as beautiful as they say. The whole city, the streets, the buildings. Although, I didn't like the contrast between the old buildings and the very modern ones next to each other. The city was also extremely crowded, there... Read more »


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