Ancient harbour city Ostia, Ostia Antica, Italy
Travel tips > Europe > Italy > Ostia Antica > Ancient harbour city Ostia
- General travel tip
- City center
Via dei Romagnoli, 717 - Ostia Antica
phone/ Fax: +39 (06) 56352830
Normal fee: 4 €, reduced: 2 €
The entry is free for EU citizens under 18 and people over 65. Further reductions and exemptions available in ticket offices.
Opening Hours:
Opening of the excavations of Ostia Antica: Closed on Mondays and January 1 and December 25.
January and February, November and December: 08.30 - 16.00
March: 08.30 - 17.00
The entry into force of summer to October: 08.30 - 18.00
Last Sunday of October to 1 November:
08.30 - 17.00
How to get there:
Take the Metro line B to Piramide and then the train Roma-Lido to the stop Ostia Antica

Recent travel tips for Ostia Antica
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- Besuchen Sie die antike Stadt am MorgenWenn man in der Gegend ist, sollte man auf jedenfall die antike Stadt Ostia besuchen. Am besten morgens, da es mittags ziemlich heiß werden kann, wenn man im Sommer kommt! [...]D: 0.1mi00
- Baden gehenWenn man in der Nähe von Rom Baden gehen will, dann einfach an einen Strand ein paar Kilometer ausserhalb fahren. [...]D: 0.6mi00
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