Veracruz Sights and Landmarks Guide, Mexico
The city of Veracruz has been heavily gifted with many natural sights and it is the presence of these sights which makes the city of Veracruz very important for foreign as well as local tourists. This city of Veracruz happens to be the very first European city which was started on American soil. This beautiful city is full of many admirable tourist hot spots like intense wildlife, thick rainforest, undersea life, and the best coral reef sights which you will get to see in the Mexican Gulf.
Along with these sights the city of Veracruz is also very famous for an awesome museum, a stylish aquarium, a beautiful ecological park, and an awesome zoo. To add to this list you can visit many historical monuments which are located around the city of Veracruz. If you are looking for a beach to enjoy sun bath and to later on enjoy a beautiful sun set then you can head towards Boca del Rio which is minutes away (via road) from the city of Veracruz. In short the city of Veracruz has something for every kind of tourist that hits the city and same is the reason why it has become an important tourist hot spot in the country of Mexico.
Naval History Museum is an awesome museum which has everything that is related with the Mexican Army. As of now this museum is situated in the huge Navy School which ran successfully for 55 years before being shifted to some other location. You will get the chance to learn how the paddle was invented during the early years of Mexican Army and also get the chance to learn how the Mexican Army participated in World War II. Some of the unique items included in this famous museum are different naval equipment, weapons, Paleolithic maritime items, different photographs, documents, and models scaled to fit into various places.
Veracruz Aquarium happens to be at number 8 position when it comes to the most famous museums of this planet. This huge museum was opened in the year 1992 and soon became an important tourist hot spot in this city. This aquarium is the largest of the oceanic tanks which are available in complete Latin America.
Some other tourist hot spots for the city of Veracruz are Actopan, Jalcomulco, Isla de Sacrificios, El Baluarte de Santiago, San Juan de Ulua, Pemex Tower, Cempola, and City Museum etc.
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