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Uruapan Travel Guide, Mexico

The city of Uruapan is situated in the state of Michoacán, Mexico. The city of Uruapan is also the seat for the municipality of Uruapan which is among the 113 municipalities that are part of Michoacán. The city of Uruapan happens to be the oldest in the country of Mexico and this exponentially increases its historical importance. The beautiful River Cupatitzio passes by this famous city and adds up to its natural importance. This river is called “the river that sings” due to the pattern of waves and the sounds which these waves generate.

Fray Juan de San Miguel, the brain behind the foundation of this city, divided Uruapan into many barrios. The names of these barrios which make up the city of Uruapan are San Juan Bautista, San Pedro y Santiago, San Juan Evangelista, La Magdalena, San Francisco, and San Miguel. Each of these barrios has its own customs and they are officially recognized as different communities. The plan for the city of Uruapan was laid in similar pattern with those present in various cities of Spain. The center of the town contains different government monuments and places of social importance. Roads run from eastern side of the city to the western side and from the northern side of the city to the southern side. The uniqueness of these barrios is that they even conduct business between themselves thus given them control of their regions to larger extents.

As per the census of 2005, the population for the city of Uruapan was around 239000 inhabitants and the population for the municipality of Uruapan was around 280000 inhabitants. This municipality stretches over an area of around 955 square kilometers. As of now, the municipality of Uruapan is the second largest in the state of Michoacán. The only city / municipality which is bigger than Uruapan is Morelia.

The name of the city Uruapan was taken from the word “ulhupani” which actually means fertility of flower buds and place of eternal formation.

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