travelgrove Reviews

Windermere Reviews, United Kingdom

    's mapPlanning a trip to Windermere, United Kingdom? Unless it's not your first visit there, it's sure you have a ton of questions you want to ask about the whats, wheres and whos of Windermere. Well, you're in luck, because we have an incredibly helpful community of veteran travelers that often share their experiences in the locations they visit and we have a couple of these user-written reviews on Windermere as well. You can check them out below and remember, if you want additional information on Windermere or any other destination, feel free to ask our team about it or post a question in our forum section.

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Recent reviews for Windermere

Applegarth Hotel Windermere - Apr 25, 2011, by jensmith
Applegarth Villa is truly a rare find in the very heart of the Lake District. Offering individual luxury accommodation of the highest standard, this magnificent Villa is unique to Windermere and the food was amazing. We found the owners... Read more »

Things about Windermere you may be interested in

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Recommended Preston Guide

Preston History

 In the 7th century, Preston was under Archbishop Wilfred and the Cathedral of Ripon. For 600 years, the town has been ruled by the Romans, Saxons, Danes, Norwegians and Normans. Each brought their beliefs, laws and languages that Preston adapted. Period of Privileges and Collapses for Preston  The first Charter of Preston was established in 1179 by Henry II.  Gaining Guild Merchant and other privileges developed the town's economy. By 1343, Preston was declared as the richest town in Lancashire.  In the 1700's, the first spinning machine was made.  This set Preston as one of the forerunners in the Industrial Revolution.  Aside from... Read more »


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