Luxembourg Reviews, Luxembourg
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Recent reviews for Luxembourg
Luxembourg - Feb 4, 2015, by adam
Luxembourg is the wealthiest country in Europe, and the second richest in the world after Qatar. Diminutive but powerful, it has an impressive history. The capital of the nation, is small yet highly developed, liberal with stunning... Read more »
Things about Luxembourg you may be interested in
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Luxembourg Sights
Luxembourg boasts well maintained roads and thoroughfares, but if you want a rest from driving you can opt to take a train ride on the Petrusse Express. This open-air train departs from under the arches at Pont Adolphe viaduct in Luxembourg city and offers frequent guided tours in a number of different languages. This is an excellent way of seeing some of Luxembourg’s beautiful countryside and places of historic interest. Arts and Culture Luxembourg’s National Museum of Art and History is situated in the Marche-aux-Poissons in Luxembourg City. It has a range of archaeological, historical, and geological exhibits but its main... Read more »
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