travelgrove Reviews

Trottbike tour in Switzerland, Grindelwald

    Grindelwald's mapGrindelwald 1
bicska's pictureby bicska review
added on 16th of August, 2009

If you'll go somehow to geindelwalt you must trie this trottibike-ing. Is very interesting and excited! I was littlebit afraid befor, because you need to slant more than 1000 metres, but anyway, you need to trie, it very very very nice feeling!

If do you feel like an unusual experience? Grindelwald - Bort now also offers an attraction for the whole family that is guaranteed to be a scream.

The trendiest way of getting around town has hit the mountains! At quite a speed and with many laughs you set off from Bort down to the valley - great fun for young and old!

The idea of the trottibike evolved from the classical scooter. Previously known as a means of transport only for children, the trottibike is now also for adults. Who didn't have a lot of fun with their first means of transport? These Trottibikes are much more stable and equipped with bicycle brakes. In this way it is possible to stop safely whenever necessary.

It's like Chf 16, so it;s not to expensive, you just need to rent one in here!


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The Napoleonic Wars and the year 1903 is the year in Lausanne history when the city finally gained its independence and it was granted by Napoleon the function of capital of the newly formed Swiss canton, Vaud. It then became an official part of the Swiss Federation and this is when the large Flon River that was running through the city was dried out and bridges were built for the first time to join the two parts of the city. From this moment on Lausanne became a nice spot for adventurers and romantics from all over Europe and it soon adapted itself to a cosmopolite way of life that meant lots of facilities for the new English and European... Read more »


Recent reviews for Grindelwald

Winter sports in Grinderwald - Aug 16, 2009, by bicska
Ithink it was the most beautiful place I ever been in my hole life. Is just amazing! Sitting aganst the 4000 meter high montains is a feeling what I can not tell someone's, you just come here and feel it! Fantastic place to relax or to have... Read more »


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