travelgrove Reviews

Having great time in Arieseni, Romania

    Arieseni's mapArieseni 1
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Arieseni 3
angel's pictureby angel review
added on 19th of June, 2009

On Sunday we woke up in the morning, ate something, and then we went to ski a bit. But after a couple of hours we felt that we are too tired, my feet ached because I wasn't used with my new ski boots, so we returned to the pension.

After packing our bags we decided to go on a trip with some friends. One of the guys knew a place called 'Groapa Ruginita' in Romanian which means the rusty pit - this is the deepest ground slide in Romania. First we had to walk about ten minutes on the normal road for cars, and then in a corner we reached the starting point to the pit. We had to climb and walk in the 10-20 centimeters high snow. All the trees, plants and everything around us was covered by snow - it was beautiful. I think I haven't seen so much snow in my life :)

After about an hour walk we reached our destination. The pit has an orange-reddish color this is why it's called rusty. But we didn't see much of it - there was fog all over the pit, or maybe those were clouds. After making some pictures we met another group of hikers who came from another direction. They said that that track leads back to the town as well. It wasn't too late so we decided to take that path back.

At first we followed the footprints of the group which came on this path but after some time we saw that their footprints aren't following the path we thought is leading down to Arieseni... so we decided to take another way down :) This path wasn't used so the snow was about 50 centimeters high. Someone of us fell down once in every two minutes... it was fun :) Okay, it was fun till it started to get a bit darker outside and we haven't yet seen a house or a man. But when we started to get a bit frightened we heard voices, people shouting so we knew we are on the good path. At the end we came down the hill exactly behind our pension :) We couldn't believe it!

After changing clothes (we were all wet from the snow) and relaxing a bit we headed to our cars to go home.

This was a very nice weekend, I enjoyed it very much! I hope next winter we can go back to this pension, and we will be able to see the Rusty Pit when it’s not so foggy.


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Arieseni - 2009 winter - overview

1. Feb 21, 2009 The Arieseni ski experience (Arieseni)  (* 19)
2. Feb 21, 2009 Arieseni, the best place for winter sports (Arieseni)  (* 7)
3. Feb 22, 2009 Having great time in Arieseni (Arieseni)  (* 18)

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Read about Arieseni in our travel-guide
The Arieseni ski experienceArieseni, the best place for winter sports

Recommended Arieseni Guide

Arieseni Travel guide

Set in the hearth of the Apuseni mountains Arieseni, this tiny ski resort is well known mostly in the northern part of Romania. If you come from Hungary you enter Romania at the North West border in the city of Oradea then head towards Beius. It is located at the border of Bihor and Alba counties. The road is usually clean but with a lot of curves and it is better if you come equipped with chains. You can park near the slope but on Saturdays and Sundays it gets pretty crowded so it is better if you leave your car at the lodge.... Read more »


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