travelgrove Reviews

Visiting the Budapest Tropicarium, Hungary

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angel's pictureby angel review
added on 22nd of June, 2009

If you are in Budapest, Hungary I advise you to visit the Tropicarium. This is like a zoo but here you will see only tropical animals and plants.

The Tropicarium is located in a shopping center called Campona. I can't really give directions to it, because we used our GPS to find it but it's on the Nagytetenyi street.

When you enter there are paintings on the walls about the ancient times, and you can also see petrified snails and other creatures from those times.

Then the adventure begins :) There different parts of the Tropicarium. One part is dedicated for fish. Many kinds of fish can be seen here, most of them are really beautiful with their colorful scales but we saw some ugly ones too. We could even see sharks in a part where the aquarium was right above us. They are in very big aquariums with plants and different decorations.

Sadly after looking to these aquariums for a longer time you probably get a headache because they are not flat and it's sometimes hard to soo through them.

But if you got bored at the fish part, you can go towards the other parts of the Tropicarium :)


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Tropicarium, Budapest - overview

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